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Pack logicmoo_nlu -- ext/SIRIDUS/UGOT-D31/godis-apps/domain-medical/todo.txt

*** bugs ***

x include "bind" in resource interfaces: depends x include clarifyDependentIssue, or generalize clarifyAction in selection_rules

  • quit does not work after clarification q x?? (control) godis bug: when plan has been reloaded without producing reraising fb, agenda is empty; this leads to leaving the turn to the user even if there is a "findout" on top of the plan that would have been selected
  • other bug: y/n answers not fed back so strange they are also denied $S> Hello How are you feeling today? $U> [score 0.0-1.0]: $S> Are you feeling nauseous? $U> yes headache [score 0.0-1.0]:0.8 $S> Okay. head aches. $U> no [score 0.0-1.0]: $S> not head aches. So, Are you feeling nauseous?
  • bug III: issue reraised since "okay" is relevant -> no backtracking of "issues"
    • raised issues should not be reraised! ! same thing happens if the answer needs grounding & is denied S> Hello How are you feeling today? $U> okay $S> So, How are you feeling today? $U>
  • reraise still produced when taking tests, since no question was raised while testing... x hack: empty output form
    • real solution: keep track of previous goal issue

    x? cannot quit or request top after initial altq?

    • why the final thingies on irrelevantFollowup???

answer(disease...) not integrated here:

[greet]. [ask(X^info(X)), answer(disease(malaria))].

  • problem with forget(bestq) etc: if plan for Q is interrupted and answer to Q is given in subdialogue, bestq stays on PRIv/BEL
    • could be solved by deleting inconsistent info in dev_query
  • there are two irrelevantFollowup rules X several symptoms at once -> assumes self-correction [answer(symptom(fever)), answer(symptom(headache))]

    *** OTHER ***

    x make slides

    • choice between IOD, AOD; motivations
      • we learned that IOD may require devices
    • add plans
    • add sample dialogues

    x things we would like to add to plan execution rules:

    • precedence constraints
      • see below
    • subplans
      • new constructs
        • resolve(Q)
        • do(A)

    x things we have added:

    • assume, assume_issue

    *** todo ***

  • get GUI to work
  • not confirmed vs fail
    • fail is not resolving
    • need to decide when to give up a plan
    • what does fail mean?
      • fail for current info vs. # terminal fail: notexist(X,PX)??? does not work for y/n
      • assume terminal fail this if fail + best_... empty

    x "not bestq(_)" is not deleted; perhaps just fail(...)???

    • should be notexist(X,bestq(X))

same qs in interview and diagnosis?

! no, since interview presupposes diagnosis

x diagnosis input form for disease q

x only fever test!

w domain needs to handle rejected(X^symptom(X)) without breaking

  • just dont answer with disease here!

! we could easily have gotten info directly from device, but didn't want to clutter the IS

--- nice extras ---

  • fix all error reports
  • rename medical -> diseaseDB
  • swedish lexicon, to show mutilinguiality by resource switching on-line
    • also reinclude domain stuff needed for lang. change ! shows advantage of discoupling lexicon from plan
  • device_nurse
  • report should be q-raising? which q? whether to proceed? ! ?action(A)
    • action assumed by plan?
    • what if "no"?
  • generalize IOD to work with with device & change to that?
  • replace device with database? ? user request test actions
  • domain stuff
    • asking for which medications have been taken
    • asking for countries traveled to
      • inference to "travel to tropical climate" or "... desert region"

    --- half-done ---

    x? how treat negative confirmation?

    • = disconfirmed???

    x? dependent issue accommodation & clarification

    • example?
      "I have malaria"
      "Do you want general information or recommendations for treatment?"

    x? accommodation

    • check that it really works with bind; that "bind" is in all accommodation rules where "findout" is

    x? additional issues

    • provide recommendations about treatment
      • now called "info"
      • add to lexicon, remove from device

      x provide general info x modify device

    • get to work with infosharing

    x? multiple simultaneous issues? ! interference if try to ask about info for some other disease

    • not really a good example of information sharing; not same question ("what disease do I have" vs "what disease do I want info about") ? ask if have to pay extra for test
    • also add request(not_take_test)?
    • and add request(take_test)

    plan(pay_extra, [ findout(X^test(X))

    x? issue clarification

    • example: info vs. treatment given disease
      • input form disease -> info_disease

    ? positive_diagnosis as action?

    • findout(X^disease(X)) should trigger plan
    • rule: if findout(Q) on plan and
  • trindikit: surpress initalization reports ? user request test actions

    ? prevention q

    ? territories q

    w GODIS: w findPlan rule: loadplan not triggered if no "findout" or "raise" in plan.

    • logical operators for if_then -> can shorten rules for info, treatment x fix reraising fb so generated only when issue is changed; peek in tmp? (but will be vulnurable to grounding subdialogs, but perhaps OK to say "returning to" after subdialog?) x if not q top on tmp/sys/issues, generate reraise

    x? now, confirmed_... is reraised

    • since on issues from start
    • should be raised at end of X^disease(X)! x or empty output form (ugly)
    • masterplan?

    x? info does not work w rename "treatment"

    • get info-share to work ? push info at start

    x treatment q

    • add to lexicon, remove from device

    x? check feedback and sequencing moves

    • incl denying
    • reraise:fb only in tree variant

    x revising by reaccommodation (works?)

g�r ett riktigt beslutstr�d & komplettera dom�ninfo

? why isn't "so" generated in multiissue example?

w bug: if a treatment was discussed during the examination dialogue, it is still the one assumed at the end

x fix godis bug

? sem_sort test? needed?

x check lexicon so all works ? malaise

--- done ---

x alternative version, not push Q's at start?

  • "I want a diagnosis"
  • "I want to be tested for malaria", binds X^disease(X)
    • change lexicon input form for diseases

    ! V2 changes in

    • domain, l.57
    • lexicon, l.356
  • PROBLEM: does not ask about anything but diseasehistory
    • change in domain
  • confirm_by_tests should also bind X^disease(X)

x should confirmed_by_interview really bind questions?

  • yes, accommodation should work there too (but can avoid in demo)
  • no, because X^disease(X) must be answered first
    • need to encode ordering constraints
      • precedes( X^disease(X), confirmed... )
        • precedes( Q1, Q ) prevents dependent accommodation of Q unless Q1 already resolved
        • add condition to acc. rule: not( $domain :: precedes( Q1, Q ) and plan( Q1, _ ) and not( resolved( Q1 ) )

x negative test results do not work

subplans in godis? exec?

  • when loading a Qplan, raise Q

or inference; but what if non-com info needed? assume?

x bestq returns too many qs

x how get out of confirmed_by_interview by failing? it does not resolve!

x disconfirmed not same as not confirmed!!!

  • ok, so the system cannot disconfirm

x? m�jliga resultat fr�n dev_query:

X^disease(X) vet ej - fail(X^disease(X)) pos - disease(a) neg - notexist(X,disease(X))

confirmed_by_interview vet ej - fail(confirmed_by_interview) pos - confirmed_by_interview neg - not(confirmed_by_interview)

samma f�r confirmed_by_tests

x? how make sure that subsequent tests are not performed?

  • masterplan?

x dev_query info(Disease)

D device_nurse

  • get to work with actions ! confirm(test) should trigger??? but never requested, only dev_do
    • take_test(T) dev-action -> assert test_result(T)
  • assume_issue(X^test_result(X))
    • add to lexicon

    x koppla in nya device & testa

    x how capture this:

    • when asking for treatment/info, this can be about any disease
    • but when a disease has been diagnosed, it is probably about that one # inference disease(X) -> info_disease(X) # hyp_disease isa disease, so answer to disease is answer to hyp_disease x info_disease isa disease, so disease is answer to info_disease

    ! why necessay to push all issues on agenda at start???

    x lexicon! x top x "maybe" and "i think so" -> rej x outputfor for positive_diagnosis x output_form for confirmed_by_tests x output_form for confirmed_by_tests

    x? what if test show no disease? answer(not(positive_diagnosis)) ->

    x best_labtest

    x? what if user cannot answer questions x rejected(Q) added to sh.com *DH device rensar bort alla rejected Q

    x restart using "top"

    ? make sure info(_) and characteristics(_) get deleted so not same answer given second time (perhaps reinstate urule solution?)

    ? "maybe" to y/n

    • regard as reject?

    ? precedense constraints on accommmodation?

    x how make tests?

    • tell user take test, ask for result
    • provide random result
      call device, where user enters result

    x plan for info; share disease/1 with other plan

    x anv�nd forget(bestq(_)) f�r att rense priv/bel; ta bort godis�ndring

    x koppla in OAA-databas ? ta hand om fail(Q,Reason)

    x mutiple-answer questions

    x correction using negation

    x fever -> symptom(fever), etc.

    • "how are you feelding today" = X^symptom(X); "fine"= symptom(none)
  • tv� l�sningar x1 anv�nd backend f�r att hitta n�sta fr�ga att st�lla ! utg�r fr�n att backend �r mer eller mindre intelligent ! man kan t�nka sig att l�gga till beslutstr�d till backend
    • remove old bestqs in priv/bel
    • how change plan when no bestq, to do requests
    • don't generate reraise fb if q topmost on ISSUES

    x2 implementera beslutstr�d i dialogplan ! var hittar vi "r�tt" tr�d? hitta p� sj�lva?

  • accommodationl�snginar x 1a accommodation, backend/tr�dplan: i slutet av planen finns bind(Q1), bind(Q2) osv d�r Q1, Q2, ... �r alla fr�gor som n�gonsin kan vara relevant f�r X^disease(X)

    # kan bli problem med reraising & retraction: ev m�ste vi �ndra ordningen p� accommodationreglerna s� att GoDiS f�rs�ker ackommodera fr�n share/com f�re den provar med bind i planen ! g�r inget; retract �r oberoende om varifr�n acc g�rs!

  • 1b accommodation, backend: fr�ga device om vilka fr�gos som ska bindas ! bind set of questions, retrieved from expert system ! binding alternatives x all q's
    • all except already known
    • all except bestq
  • 2 (tr�dplan): accommodation kikar in i if_then
    • sv�rt; ska planen g�ras om till tr�d?

    ? ej spara tillst�nd

    x AOD or IOD?

    • it's AOD since tests are performed
    • but IOD since database search
    • consider as interface to device containing expert system + test-taker?

    ** MORE COMPLEX **

  • how deal with actions?
    • requests by system! exec_instruct
    • add tests
      1. request action
      2. device-do action
  • new move: warn(A): "I'm going to do A" *** GoDiS changes: X = copied to src & CVSd ***

    x modified definition of "depends" in resource_interfaces

    x clarifyDependetIssue in AOD selection, or generalize clarifyAction

    x exec_assume_issue

    x exec_forget- commented out clear actions

    x irrelevantFollowup 031023

    • but try again with old rule, may not have done []

    X integrateUsrAccNegICM: % SL031022 add( /shared/com, rejected(Q) ) ]).

    X added exec_assume

    X change integrateUsrAnswer so it is possible to give multiple answers to same Q in one turn

    • abandoned solution, removes last not first, should be own rule
      forall_do( in($/private/nim, DP_M2) and DP_M2/snd = answer(A2) and $domain::relevant(A2,Q) and $domain::combine(Q,A2,P2) and $domain::incompatible(P,P2), del( /private/nim, DP_M2 ) )

    X definition of incompatible should be partly domain-specific

exec_consultDB removes incompatible propositions

  • "maybe" as answer to y/n questions X resource_interfaces fixed
    • integration rule
  • questions that are rejected or not resolved when raised first time should be stored for later reraising, but not reraised immedialtely
  • only if they are contradictory, assume selfcorrection & delete first! ? need to add self-correction move? ocm:corr

    *** trindikit changes ***

    x interpret_empty

    ? vilka predikat ska egentligen exporteras fr�n modulerna? Inga alls?

  • reports from modules and about initialization should be surpressed in "quiet" mode