/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > FILENAME: mkparser_plcafe > PURPOSE: Compile the Prolog parser to Java using PrologCafe > AUTHORS: Mark A. Greenwood > NOTES: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ :- assert('$package_name'('shef.nlp.supple.prolog.cafe')). % COMMAND LINE OPTIONS /* parse [-v] be verbose [-d] show debugging info [-level n] parse up to level n grammar & don't do semantics [-m markup_file] write NE markup to markup_file [-p parse_file] write best parses to parse_file in tree form [-b parse_file] write best parses to parse_file in bracketed form [-c chart_file] write chart to chart_file [-o output_file] write gdm output to output_file instead of stdout file NOTE: -n reserved for mkparser script (it triggers assertion of non_interactive/0, which triggers saving of state and halting). */ :- compile('dynamic.pl'). :- compile('plcafe_utils.pl'). :- compile('update_name_match.pl'). :- compile('compile_grammar.pl'). :- compile('plcafe_supple_io.pl'). :- compile('parse_file.pl'). :- compile('supple.pl'). :- compile('best_parse.pl'). :- compile('semantics.pl'). parse(Out,Hash,Args) :- current_engine(E), java_method(E, setDynamicHash(Hash), _), java_method(E, setCurrentOutput(Out), _), parse(Args).