(provide [primary_market *x0] [investment *x1])(attr ?x1 [new])(operate_with ?x0 [stock *x3])(attr ?x3 [newly_issued])!
/* Primary market operates with newly issued stocks and provides new investments */!
(agnt [trade *x0] [buyer])(agnt ?x0 [seller])(loc ?x0 [market :lambda])(thm ?x0 [financial_instrument])!
/* Financial market is market where buyers and sellers trade financial instruments */!
(trade [primary_market] [security *x1])(attr ?x1 [newly_issued])!
/* Primary market trades newly issued securities */!
(trade [primary_market] [loan *x1])(attr ?x1 [newly_issued])!
/* Primary market trades newly issued loans */!
(provide [primary_market] [investment *x1])(attr ?x1 [new])!
/* Primary market provides new investments */!
(trade [primary_market] [corporate_bond *x1])(attr ?x1 [newly_issued])!
/* Primary market trades newly issued corporate bonds */!
(provide [primary_market *x0] [investment *x1])(attr ?x1 [new])(trade ?x0 [security *x3])(attr ?x3 [newly_issued])!
/* Primary market trades newly issued securities and provides new investments */!
(goal [primary_market] [Situation: (raise [primary_market] [money_value *x1])(of ?x1 [capital])])!
/* The goal of primary market is to raise capital */!
(raise [primary_market] [money_value *x1])(of ?x1 [capital])!
/* Primary market raise money value of capital */!
(provide [primary_market] [capital *x1])(rcpt ?x1 [investment *x2])(attr ?x2 [new])!
/* Primary market provides capital for new investments */!
(trade [financial_market :lambda] [financial_instrument *x1])(attr ?x1 [newly_issued])!
/* Primary market is a financial market which trades newly issued financial instruments */!
(operate_with [financial_market :lambda] [security *x1])(attr ?x1 [already_issued])!
/* Secondary market is a financial market which operates with already issued securities */!
(operate_with [financial_market :lambda] [loan *x1])(attr ?x1 [already_issued])!
/* Secondary market is a financial market which operates with already issued loans */!
(trade [secondary_market] [security *x1])(attr ?x1 [already_issued])!
/* Secondary market trades already issued securities */!
(trade [secondary_market] [loan *x1])(attr ?x1 [already_issued])!
/* Secondary market trades already issued loans */!
(provide [secondary_market] [Situation: (convert_into [security] [cash])])(rcpt Situation: (convert_into [security] [cash]) [investor])!
/* Secondary market provides investors with liquidity */!
(convert_into [security] [cash])!
/* situation liquidity : converting securities into cash. */!
(support [secondary_market] [investment *x1])(attr ?x1 [new])!
/* Secondary market supports new investment */!
(trade [financial_market :lambda *x0] [security])(agnt ?x0 [seller *x2])(poss ?x2 [access *x3])(attr ?x3 [free])(rcpt ?x0 [buyer *x5])(poss ?x5 [access *x6])(attr ?x6 [free])!
/* Open market is a financial market which trades securities and where buyer and seller have free access */!
(trade [financial_market :lambda *x0] [loan])(agnt ?x0 [seller *x2])(poss ?x2 [access *x3])(attr ?x3 [free])(rcpt ?x0 [buyer *x5])(poss ?x5 [access *x6])(attr ?x6 [free])!
/* Open market is a financial market which trades loans and where buyer and seller have free access */!
(operate_with [financial_market :lambda *x0] [security *x1])(attr ?x1 [short_term])(operate_with ?x0 [loan *x3])(attr ?x3 [short_term])!
/* Money market is a financial market which operates with short term securities and loans */!
(trade [money_market] [security *x1])(attr ?x1 [short_term])!
/* Money market trades with short term securities */!
(trade [money_market] [loan *x1])(attr ?x1 [short_term])!
/* Money market trades with short term loans */!
(provide [money_market] [Situation: (convert_into [money_market_investment] [cash])])!
/* Money market provides liquidity */!
(convert_into [money_market_investment] [cash])!
/* situation liquidity : converting money market instrument into cash. */!
(obj [money_market *x0] [security *x1])(attr ?x1 [short_term])(agnt ?x0 [seller])(rcpt ?x0 [buyer])!
/* On the money market buyer and seller trades short term securities */!
(char [financial_instrument :lambda *x0] [maturity *x1])(attr ?x1 [short_term])(sell [lender] ?x0)(buy [borrower] ?x0)!
/* Money market instrument is a financial instrument which with short term maturity sold by lender and brought by borrower */!
(trade [financial_market :lambda] [investment *x1])(attr ?x1 [long_term])(agnt [range *x3] ?x1)(manr ?x3 [broad])(dim ?x3 [size])!
/* Capital market is a financial market which trades long term investments which range broadly in size */!
(trade [negotiated_market *x0] [security])(method ?x0 [bargain *x2])(agnt ?x2 [seller])(rcpt ?x2 [buyer])(attr ?x2 [direct])!
/* Negotiated market trades securities with direct bargaining between buyer and seller */!
(trade [negotiated_market *x0] [loan])(method ?x0 [bargain *x2])(agnt ?x2 [seller])(rcpt ?x2 [buyer])(attr ?x2 [direct])!
/* Negotiated market trades loans with direct bargaining between buyer and seller */!
(agnt [financial_market :lambda *x0] [seller])(rcpt ?x0 [buyer])(obj ?x0 [commodity *x3])(method ?x3 [deliver *x4])(attr ?x4 [instant])!
/* Spot market is a financial market where people buy and sell commodities for instant delivery */!
(agnt [financial_market :lambda *x0] [seller])(rcpt ?x0 [buyer])(obj ?x0 [financial_instrument *x3])(method ?x3 [deliver *x4])(attr ?x4 [instant])!
/* Spot market is a financial market where people buy and sell financial instruments for instant delivery */!
(agnt [future_market *x0] [seller])(rcpt ?x0 [buyer])(obj ?x0 [financial_instrument *x3])(method ?x3 [deliver *x4])(attr ?x4 [future])!
/* On the future market people buy and sell financial instruments for future delivery */!
(trade [future_market] [commodity])!
/* Future market trades commodities */!
(trade [future_market] [future_contract])!
/* Future market trades future contracts */!
(represent [financial_instrument :lambda] [debt *x1])(of ?x1 [corporation])!
/* Security is a financial instrument which represents debt of corporation */!
(represent [financial_instrument :lambda] [ownership *x1])(in ?x1 [corporation])!
/* Stock is a financial instrument which represents ownership in corporation */!
(represent [security :lambda] [debt *x1])(of ?x1 [corporation])!
/* Bond is a security which represents debt of corporation */!
(convert_into [bond :lambda] [common_stock *x1])(of ?x1 [company])!
/* Convertible bond is a bond converted into common stock of company */!
(reduce [Situation: (convert_into [bond] [common_stock])] [debt *x1])(of ?x1 [corporation])!
/* When a bond is converted to common stock, the corporate debt is reduced */!
(convert_into [bond] [common_stock])!
/* Bond convert into common stock */!
(issue_by [municipal_bond *x0] [municipal_authority *x1])(pay_for ?x0 [project *x2])(attr ?x2 [infrastructural])(poss ?x1 ?x2)!
/* Municipal bonds are issued by municipal authority to pay for its infrastructural projects */!
(secured_by [municipal_bond :lambda] [mortgage *x1])(of ?x1 [house])!
/* Housing bond is a municipal bond secured by mortgage of house */!
(char [municipal_bond :lambda] [maturity *x1])(attr ?x1 [short_term])!
/* Municipal note is a municipal bond with short term maturity */!
(attr [bond :lambda *x0] [coupon *x1])(goal ?x1 [represent *x2])(obj ?x2 [interest *x3])(attr ?x0 ?x3)(att ?x3 [semiannual])!
/* Coupon bond is a bond with coupons representing semiannual interest payments attached */!
(issued_by [defensive_stock *x0] [industry])(stable_in ?x0 [recession])!
/* Defensive stock is issued by industry and is stable in recession */!
(char [penny_stock *x0] [price *x1])(attr ?x1 [low])(trade ?x0 [over_the_counter])!
/* Penny stock has low price and trade over the counter */!
(provide [stock :lambda] [divident *x1])(attr ?x1 [fixed])!
/* Preferred stock is a stock with fixed dividents */!
(provide [stock :lambda *x0] [voting_right])(provide ?x0 [divident *x2])(attr ?x2 [floating])!
/* Common stock is a stock with floating dividents and provide voting rights */!
(agnt [supply *x0] [organization :lambda])(obj ?x0 [loan *x2])(attr ?x2 [short_term])(rcpt ?x0 [private_individual])!
/* Bank is an organization which supply private individuals with short term loans */!
(attr [organization :lambda] [total_worth *x1])(divide_into ?x1 [stock])!
/* Corporatin is an organization in which the total worth is divided into stocks */!
(agnt [trade *x0] [lender])(obj ?x0 [financial_instrument])(loc ?x0 [market])!
/* On the market lender trades financial instruments called credit. */!
(agnt [trade *x0] [borrower])(obj ?x0 [financial_instrument])(loc ?x0 [market])!
/* On the market borrower trades financial instruments called capital. */!
(trade [secondary_market *x0] [security *x1])(attr ?x1 [already_issued *x2])(trade ?x0 [loan *x3])(attr ?x3 ?x2)(rcpt ?x0 [buyer])(agnt ?x0 [seller])(rcpt [primary_market *x6] [buyer])(agnt ?x6 [issuing_authority *x8])(trade ?x8 [security *x9])(attr ?x9 [newly_issued *x10])(trade ?x8 [loan *x11])(attr ?x11 ?x10)!
/* On the secondary market buyer and seller trade already issued securities and loans */!
(rcpt [primary_market *x0] [buyer])(agnt ?x0 [issuing_authority *x2])(trade ?x2 [security *x3])(attr ?x3 [newly_issued *x4])(trade ?x2 [loan *x5])(attr ?x5 ?x4)!
/* Issuing authority trades newly issued securities and loans on the primary market */!
(agnt [operate *x0] [entity :lambda])(with ?x0 [entity :lambda])!
/* Definition of relation operate_with */!
(agnt [provide *x0] [entity :lambda])(obj ?x0 [entity :lambda])!
/* Definition of relation provide */!
(agnt [trade *x0] [entity :lambda])(obj ?x0 [entity :lambda])!
/* Definition of relation trade */!
(agnt [raise *x0] [entity :lambda])(obj ?x0 [entity :lambda])!
/* Definition of relation raise */!
(agnt [goal *x0] [entity :lambda])(result ?x0 [entity :lambda])!
/* Definition of relation goal */!
(agnt [convert *x0] [entity :lambda])(obj ?x0 [entity :lambda])!
/* Definition of relation convert_into */!
(agnt [support *x0] [entity :lambda])(obj ?x0 [entity :lambda])!
/* Definition of relation support */!
(agnt [buy *x0] [animate :lambda])(obj ?x0 [entity :lambda])!
/* Definition of relation buy */!
(agnt [sell *x0] [animate :lambda])(obj ?x0 [entity :lambda])!
/* Definition of relation sell */!
(obj [dimension *x0] [entity :lambda])(char ?x0 [entity :lambda])!
/* Definition of relation dim */!
(agnt [method *x0] [entity :lambda])(inst ?x0 [entity :lambda])!
/* Definition of relation method */!
(agnt [represent *x0] [entity :lambda])(obj ?x0 [entity :lambda])!
/* Definition of relation represent */!
(agnt [reduce *x0] [entity :lambda])(obj ?x0 [entity :lambda])!
/* Definition of relation reduce */!
(agnt [secure *x0] [entity :lambda])(obj ?x0 [entity :lambda])!
/* Definition of relation secured_by */!
(agnt [stable *x0] [entity :lambda])(loc ?x0 [entity :lambda])!
/* Definition of relation stable_in */!
(agnt [divide *x0] [entity :lambda])(obj ?x0 [entity :lambda])!
/* Definition of relation divide_into */!