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![]() | Pack identity -- designnotes.txt |
login logout make account recover password (and username) delete account validate username (form, length, and not used) validate password (not too easy to guess) captcha 2 factor authorization "remember me" current_accoutn (is this an account?) profile in session call to persist profile change
"show password" Instead of 'stay signed in' (remember me) check, just set by default?
Wrap the dispatch call
:- http_server(identity_dispatch(http_dispatch), [...])
a) add an option to the existing http_handler options list. Default is treat as guest. Provide a test predicate to locate all http_handlers without the option (using the default) because omitting one is a security hole.
b) provide predicates similar to the http_handler/3, but named guest_handler/3, logged_in_handler/3,etc.
c) provide a predicate you call in the body of the handler that throws if you're out of role, and a wrapper on http_dispatch/1 that handles it by producing a 302 page.
d) have a directive that sets a path or a prefix as requiring role such and such.
:- path_identity(/, guest)
:- path_identity('/account', logged_in)
:- path_identity('/admin', admin, [is_prefix(true)])
and 503 if can't determine role needed
or have a default lo priority prefix / id of nobody
There should be some way to get the current user name.
guest - not logged in
user - logged in
any other role is treated as user, and then we check if
the hook identity:special_role(Uname, Role)
not_activated - hasn't activated account no no - don't allow login until activated suspended - account suspended (maybe we need a 'reason' coming back from application programmer hook)
logged_in - user is better admin
So - best to have logged in and not logged in and that's it. anything else is left to a separate pack
we predefine guest and user. pages have 'page access roles', and guest and user.
Should we start a session if they're logged in? Optionally.
It would be nice to have a wizard that sets it up.
if we have email activation, we redirect to 'you haven't activated' page if you try to log in, and have a resend email button. If you activate, you're logged in at the same time
esp. since I'm thinking of building a little wizard tool you can fire off and it helps you set the whole thing up. [ ] Add OAuth support. OAuth is blah blah.
Check providers you wish to accept below. Note that this gives these providers information about who your users are and when they've logged on. Some of these providers have been bad actors in the past. "The authors of the program recommend you not use it unless you fully understand the implications and consequences of doing so.
Maybe provide a link with more information about the concerns of OAuth. Stuff about Google tracking, Cambridge Analytica, etc.
comply with: COPPA (assert yer over 18) EU GDPR this site uses cookies agree to TOS adult content warning
Paths of specific pages (eg login) are set via settings. These settings are
Nooo.... use the path alias functionality
email is username username is not email, publicly used email, username, and changeable public display name
make account page should have a make account form inclusion and inclusions for the needed items. All other items end up in profile.
Username must be in restricted character set, min/max length limits, not 'admin' or similar, not
Have to decide how that works.
definitely for later
login redirect destroys the original location. Some sites may want to know this info. For now, not going to worry about this.
I'm going to use a search string to pass the redirect location Another approach is a cookie
t/f show signup link (auto generated link - memoized location of page with the username select widget, found) remember me check username pw Oauth provider buttons referrer sent as hidden field if the referrer was from same site place for errors
test username when stigning up
username works with OAuth force oauth and semi-public id
=========== Oh, yeah, I think the check box essentially lets the logging-in user state their preference between setting a "session cookie" or a "permanent cookie" as described here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Cookies
The session cookies last only as long as the browser stays open, and the "permanent" ones can persist between browser seesions, up to their expiration date.
remember me should also have a security warning - it's inherently insecure.
Phone QR code scanning (alternative to 2FA suggested by ttmrichter, says it's common in China)
HTTP/1.1 302 Found Location: http://www.iana.org/domains/example/