1:- module( store,
2 [ store_new/1
3 , store_add//2
4 , store_get//2
5 , store_set//2
6 , store_upd//3
7 , store_apply//2
8 , store_contains//2
9 ]). 10
11:- meta_predicate store_apply(+,2,+,-).
27:- use_module(library(rbtrees)).
31store_new(store(0,A)) :- rb_empty(A).
35store_add(V, N1, store(N1,T1), store(N2,T2)) :- rb_insert_new(T1,N1,V,T2), succ(N1,N2).
39store_get(Ref, V, store(N,T), store(N,T)) :- rb_lookup(Ref,V,T).
43store_contains(Ref, V, store(N,T), store(N,T)) :- rb_in(Ref,V,T).
47store_set(Ref, V, store(N,T1), store(N,T2)) :- rb_update(T1,Ref,V,T2).
53store_upd(Ref, V1, V2, store(N,T1), store(N,T2)) :- rb_update(T1,Ref,V1,V2,T2).
59store_apply(Ref, Op, store(N,T1), store(N,T2)) :- rb_apply(T1,Ref,Op,T2).
61user:portray(store(N,_)) :- format('<store|~w items>',[N])
Supply of references to storage cells
This module provides a sort of store data structure - terms can be added to the store and then accessed using a reference term which is returned by store_add//2.
The type
denotes the type of store references that point to terms of type A.All predicates except store_new/1 take store input and output arguments at the end so they can easily be used in a DCG with the store as threaded state variable. */