1:- module(callutils, [ (*)/4, (*)//4, (*:)//3
    2                     , const/3 , constf//3
    3							, pairf//3
    4                     , mr/5
    5							, op(600,yfx,*:)
    6                     , flip/3
    7                     , true2/2, true1/1
    8                     , fail2/2, fail1/1
    9                     , call_with_time_limit//2
   10                     , timeout/3, timeout//3
   11                     , timeout_retry//3
   12                     , bt_call/2
   13					    	]).

High-order utility predicates

Some high-order predicates to enable high-order 'point-free' and lambda free composition of predicates. Also provides a goal expansion for call/N when the target predicate is already known. */

   22:- meta_predicate *(2,2,?,?)
   23                , *(4,4,?,?,?,?)
   24                , constf(3,?,?,?,?)
   25                , pairf(3,3,?,?,?)
   26                , mr(2,3,?,?,?)
   27                , flip(2,?,?)
 flip(+P:pred(A,B), X:B, Y:A) is det
Call binary predicate P with arguments flipped.
   32flip(P,X,Y) :- call(P,Y,X).
 *(+P:pred(B,C,S,S), +Q:pred(A,B,S,S), X:A, Z:C, S1:S, S2:S) is det
Pure and stateful predicate composition, order may look weird but it follows the usual convention for function composition. Maybe I should flip it round. Calls Q before P.
   38*(P,Q,X,Z) --> call(Q,X,Y), call(P,Y,Z).
   39*(P,Q,X,Z) :- call(Q,X,Y), call(P,Y,Z).
 *:(+P:pred(A,B,S,S), +G:pred(A,S), X:B, S1:S, S2:S) is det
Stateful piping of generator G into function P. Calls G before P!
   43*:(P,G,Y) --> call(G,X), call(P,X,Y).
 const(X:A, Y:_, Z:A) is det
Unifies X and Z - const(X) is useful as a binary predicate.
 pairf(+F:pred(A,S,S), +G:pred(B,S,S), X:pair(A,B), S1:S, S2:S) is det
Call F and G respectively on components of a pair.
   51pairf(F,G,X-Y) --> call(F,X), call(G,Y).
 constf(+F:pred(A,S,S), Y:_, X:A, S1:S, S2:S) is det
Call F on X ignoring argument Y.
   55constf(F,_,X) --> call(F,X).
 mr(+Mapper:pred(A,B), +Reducer:pred(B,S,S), X:A, S1:S, S2:S) is det
Meet Mr. mr. A map reducer for use with any folding predicate.
   59mr(M,R,X,S1,S2) :- call(M,X,Y), call(R,Y,S1,S2).
   61user:goal_expansion(*(P,Q,X,Z), (call(Q,X,Y), call(P,Y,Z))) :- 
   62   nonvar(P), nonvar(Q).
   64user:goal_expansion(G1, G2) :-
   65   G1 =.. [call, Closure |Args],
   66   nonvar(Closure), expand_call(Closure, Args, G2).
   68expand_call(Mod:Head, Args, Mod:G) :- !,
   69   nonvar(Head), expand_call(Head, Args, G).
   70expand_call(Head, Args, G) :-
   71   Head =.. [Pred|Bound],
   72   append(Bound, Args, AllArgs),
   73   G =.. [Pred | AllArgs].
   77fail1(_) :- fail.
   78fail2(_,_) :- fail.
   80:- meta_predicate call_with_time_limit(+,//,?,?).   81call_with_time_limit(T,G,S1,S2) :- 
   82   call_with_time_limit(T,call_dcg(G,S1,S2)).
   84:- meta_predicate timeout(+,0,0).   85timeout(T,G,R) :- 
   86   catch(call_with_time_limit(T,G),
   87         time_limit_exceeded, R).
   89:- meta_predicate timeout(+,//,//,?,?).   90timeout(T,G,R,S1,S2) :- 
   91   timeout(T, call_dcg(G,S1,S2), call_dcg(R,S1,S2)).
   93:- meta_predicate timeout_retry(+,//,//,?,?).   94timeout_retry(T,G,R) --> 
   95	timeout(T,G,(R, timeout_retry(T,G,R))).
 bt_call(:Do, :Undo) is nondet
Creates a backtrackable operation from a non-backtrackable Do operation and a corresponding operation to undo it. Do can be non-deterministic, in which case bt_call(Do,Undo) will also have multiple solutions. Undo is called inside once/1. bt_call is a valid debug topic - you can trace all do and undo operations by issuing debug(bt_call).
  105:- meta_predicate bt_call(0,0).  106bt_call(Do,Undo)  :-
  107   debug(bt_call,'doing: ~p.\n',[Do]),
  108   Do,
  109   (  true
  110   ;  debug(bt_call,'undoing: ~p.\n',[Undo]),
  111      once(Undo), fail
  112   )