% :- lib( stoics_lib:en_list/2 ). % :- lib( stoics_lib:map_list_options/4 ). /** gbn_fisher_nets. gbn_fisher_nets(+Opts). Run a number of gbn_fisher_net/4 on files in current directory (version 2, as version 1 got lost). For now it assumes a single .dat file in current directory and runs this against all .bn files creating os_postfix/3 results files with postfix=fish. pupsh gbn_fisher_nets postfix=wb graph=bgcolor=white Options are passed to gbn_fisher_net/4 except for dir(Dir). Opts * dir(Dir='.') directory to change to * rec(Rec=false) allow recursive descend call == % pupsh gbn_fisher_nets bground=white clr_theme=bic == Creates an undirected version of the above: == % pupsh gbn_fisher_nets bground=white clr_theme=bic type=graph postfix=biu == @author nicos angelopoulos @version 0.1 2016/6/16 */ gbn_fisher_nets :- gbn_fisher_nets( [] ). gbn_fisher_nets( Args ) :- en_list( Args, Opts2 ), % maplist( string_fy_graph_colour, Opts1, Opts2 ), % use backround/1 which auto strings it argument working_directory( Here, Here ), ( select(dir(Dir),Opts2,Opts) -> working_directory(_Old,Dir) ; Opts = Opts2 ), os_files( Files ), include( os_ext(dat), Files, DatFs ), gbn_data_file( DatFs, DatF ), include( os_ext(bn), Files, BnFs ), map_list_options( gbn_fisher_net(DatF), BnFs, _Fishes, Opts ), % do not use the gbn_fisher_net/3 version ! working_directory( _, Here ). gbn_data_file( [DatF], DatF ) :- !. gbn_data_file( Other, _DatF ) :- throw( there_should_be_a_unique_data_file_instead_of:Other ).