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Pack dialect-ciao -- prolog/dialect/ciao/strings.pl
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- CIAO Prolog
 get_line(+Stream, -Line) is det
Reads from Stream a line of text and unifies Line with it. The end of the line can have UNIX [10] or MS-DOS [13 10] termination, which is not included in Line. At EOF, the term end_of_file is returned.
 get_line(-Line) is det
Behaves like current_input(S), get_line(S,Line).
 write_string(+Stream, +String) is det
Writes String onto Stream. Output is not flushed. Is this compatible?
 write_string(+String) is det
Behaves like current_input(S), write_string(S, String).
In a grammar rule, as whitespace/0, represents whitespace (a positive number of space (32), tab (9), newline (10) or return (13) characters). Thus, Rest is a proper suffix of String with one or more whitespace characters removed. An example of use would be:
attrs([]) --> ""
attrs([N|Ns]) -->
In a grammar rule, as whitespace0/0, represents possible whitespace (any number of space (32), tab (9), newline (10) or return (13) characters). Thus, Rest is String or a proper suffix of String with one or more whitespace characters removed. An example of use would be:
assignment(N,V) -->
   variable_name(N), whitespace0, "=", whitespace0, value(V).
In a grammar rule, as string/1, represents literally String. An example of use would be:
double(A) -->