1/*  Part of Ciao Prolog compatibility library
    3    Author:        Jan Wielemaker, Edison Mera
    4    E-mail:        J.Wielemaker@uva.nl, efmera@gmail.com
    5    WWW:           http://www.edisonm.com
    6    Copyright (C): 2009, University of Amsterdam and
    7                   2013, Process Design Center, Breda, The Netherlands.
    9    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   10    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
   11    as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
   12    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   14    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   15    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   17    GNU General Public License for more details.
   19    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
   20    License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
   21    Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
   23    As a special exception, if you link this library with other files,
   24    compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this
   25    library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered
   26    by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
   27    invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
   28    the GNU General Public License.
   31:- module(ciao,
   32	  [
   33	   '$ciao_meta'/2,
   34	   '$ciao_meta'/3,
   35	   '$ciao_meta'/4,
   36	   '$ciao_meta'/5,
   37	   '$ciao_meta'/6,
   38	   '$ciao_meta'/7,
   39	   '$ciao_meta'/8,
   40	   op(1150, fx, data)
   41	  ]).   42:- use_module(library(error)).   43:- use_module(library(apply)).   44:- use_module(library(debug)).

Ciao Prolog compatibility module

This module sets up support for loading Ciao Prolog modules that start with a :- module(Name, Exports, Packages) directive. Upon encountering this directive, it is rewritten into a SWI-Prolog module declaration, followed by a series of directives to setup Ciao compatibility.

Typical usage for loading Ciao code is:

:- use_module(library(dialect/ciao)).
To be done
- Create much more of the Ciao infrastructure. */
   62:- multifile
   63	system:goal_expansion/2,
   64	system:term_expansion/2,
   65	ciao_trans/4,
   66	ciao_trans_db/5,
   67	ciao_goal_expansion/2,
   68	ciao_term_expansion/2,
   69	user:file_search_path/2.   70
   72		 /*******************************
   73		 *	       PATHS		*
   74		 *******************************/
   76user:file_search_path(engine, library(dialect/ciao/engine)).
   79		 /*******************************
   81		 *******************************/
   83:- create_prolog_flag(multi_arity_warnings,   off, [type(atom)]).   84:- create_prolog_flag(discontiguous_warnings, on,  [type(atom)]).   85
   86:- multifile
   87	declaration/2,	    % +Head,+Module
   88	declaration_hook/2. % +Head,-Exp
   90:- dynamic
   91	lock_expansion/0,
   92	old_flag/3.   93
   94compilation_module(CM) :-	% Kludge: compilation module must be
   95				% imported in a separated module and
   96				% its methods invoked from there --EMM
   97	'$current_source_module'(M),
   98	compilation_module(M, CM).
  100compilation_module(M, CM) :-
  101	atom_concat(M, '$ciao', CM).
  102				% TODO: missing support for directives
  103				% add_clause_translation/1 and
  104				% add_term_translation/1 --EMM
  106call_lock(Goal) :-
  107    setup_call_cleanup((\+ lock_expansion,assertz(lock_expansion)),
  108		       Goal, retract(lock_expansion)).
  110system:goal_expansion(In, Out) :-
  111	prolog_load_context(dialect, ciao),
  112	compilation_module(CM),
  113	ciao_trans(CM, goal, In, Out1), % Ciao Goal Translations
  114	(   In == end_of_file		% end_of_file Ciao hook
  115	->  Out = true
  116	;   Out = Out1
  117	).
  118system:goal_expansion(In, Out) :-
  119	prolog_load_context(dialect, ciao),
  120	ciao_goal_expansion(In, Out). % SWI Compatibility issues
  122system:term_expansion(In, Out) :-
  123	prolog_load_context(dialect, ciao),
  124	compilation_module(CM),
  125	call_lock((ciao_trans(CM, sentence, In, Out1), % Sentence Translations
  126		   '$expand':expand_terms(call_term_expansion([system-[term_expansion/2]]),
  127					  Out1, _, Out2, _) % Remaining
  128		  )),
  129	call_eof_goal_hook(In, Out2, Out).
  130system:term_expansion(In, Out) :-
  131	prolog_load_context(dialect, ciao),
  132	ciao_term_expansion(In, Out).
  134call_eof_goal_hook(In, Out2, Out) :-
  135	'$current_source_module'(M),
  136	(   In == end_of_file,
  137	    module_property(M, file(File)),
  138	    prolog_load_context(file, File) % This is the main file
  139	->  (   is_list(Out2)
  140	    ->  append(Out2, [(:- end_of_file)], Out)
  141	    ;   Out = [Out2, (:- end_of_file)]
  142	    )		     % (:- end_of_file) is a hook for the goal expansion
  143	;   Out = Out2
  144	).
  146package_file(F, P) :-
  147	( atom(F) -> P = library(F)
  148	; functor(F, _, 1) -> P = F
  149	).
  151package_directive(Package, Directive) :-
  152	expand_term((:- use_package(Package)), Directive).
  154ciao_term_expansion((:- module(Name, Public, Packages)),
  155		      [ (:- module(Name, Public)),
  156			(:- style_check(-singleton)),
  157			(:- expects_dialect(ciao)),
  158			(:- use_module(engine(basic_props))),
  159			(:- use_module(engine(io_aux))),
  160			(:- use_module(engine(exceptions)))
  161		      |	Directives
  162		      ]) :-
  163	maplist(package_directive, Packages, Directives).
  165map_ciaoname_rec(Ciao, Path, Path/Ciao) :- atom(Ciao), !.
  166map_ciaoname_rec(Ciao0, Path, SWI) :-
  167	Ciao0 =.. [F, Ciao],
  168	map_ciaoname_rec(Ciao, Path/F, SWI).
  170map_ciaoname_(Path, Path) :- atom(Path), !.
  171map_ciaoname_(Ciao0, SWI) :-
  172	Ciao0 =.. [F, Ciao],
  173	map_ciaoname_rec(Ciao, F, SWI).
  175map_ciaoname(CiaoName, SWIName) :-
  176	CiaoName =.. [F, C],
  177	SWIName =.. [F, S],
  178	map_ciaoname_(C, S).
  180ciao_term_expansion((:- use_package(CiaoPack)),
  181		    (:- include(SWIName))) :-
  182	package_file(CiaoPack, CiaoName),
  183	map_ciaoname(CiaoName, SWIName).
  184ciao_term_expansion((:- new_declaration(Name/Arity)), Exp) :-
  185	'$current_source_module'(M),
  186	functor(Head, Name, Arity),
  187	(   ciao:declaration(Head, M)
  188	->  Exp = []
  189	;   Exp = ciao:declaration(Head, M)
  190	).
  191ciao_term_expansion((:- package(_Package)), []).
  192ciao_term_expansion((:- Decl), Exp) :-
  193	'$current_source_module'(M),
  194	declaration(Decl, M),
  195	(   declaration_hook(Decl, Exp)
  196	->  true
  197	;   functor(Decl, Name, Arity),
  198	    prolog_load_context(module, Module),
  199	    current_predicate(Module:Name/Arity)
  200	->  Exp = (:- Decl)
  201	;   Exp = []
  202	).
 map_metaspecs(+CiaoSpec, -SWISpec)// is det
Map a Ciao meta-predicate to a SWI-Prolog one.
See also
- http://ciao-lang.org/docs/branches/1.14/13646/CiaoDE-1.14.2-13646_ciao.html/modules.html#meta_predicate/1 TODO: list(Spec) not supported yet
  210map_metaspecs(Var, _) -->
  211	{ var(Var), !,
  212	  instantiation_error(Var)
  213	}.
  214map_metaspecs((A0,B0), (A,B)) --> !,
  215	map_metaspecs(A0, A),
  216	map_metaspecs(B0, B).
  217map_metaspecs(Head0, Head) -->
  218	{ functor(Head0,  Name, Arity),
  219	  functor(Head,   Name, Arity),
  220	  functor(HeadIn, Name, Arity),
  221	  HeadIn =.. [Name|ArgsIn],
  222	  meta_expansion(Head0, Head, HeadIn, M, RequiresModule, ArgsOut, [])
  223	},
  224	( { ArgsIn == ArgsOut } -> []
  225	; { HeadOut =.. [Name|ArgsOut] },
  226	  ( {RequiresModule==1} ->
  227	    [ (:- module_transparent(Name/Arity)) ],
  228	    { Body = (context_module(M), HeadOut) }
  229	  ; { Body = HeadOut }
  230	  ),
  231	  [ (HeadIn :- Body) ]
  232	).
  234map_metaspec(Var, ?) :-
  235	var(Var), !.
  236map_metaspec(goal, 0).
  237map_metaspec(clause, :).
  238map_metaspec(fact, :).
  239map_metaspec(spec, :).
  240map_metaspec(pred(N), N).
  241map_metaspec(?, ?).
  242map_metaspec(+, +).
  243map_metaspec(-, -).
  251meta_expansion(Head0, Head, HeadIn, M, RequiresModule) -->
  252	meta_expansion_args(1, Head0, Head, HeadIn, M, RequiresModule).
  254meta_expansion_arg(Spec, TSpec, Arg, _, _) -->
  255	{map_metaspec(Spec, TSpec)}, !,
  256	[Arg].
  257meta_expansion_arg(addmodule(Spec), TSpec, Arg, M, 1) --> !,
  258	meta_expansion_arg(Spec, TSpec, Arg, M, _),
  259	[M].
  260meta_expansion_arg(addterm(Spec), TSpec, Arg0, M, R) --> !,
  261	meta_expansion_arg(Spec, TSpec, Arg0, M, R),
  262	{ module_sensitive(Spec) -> Arg0 = _:Arg
  263	; Arg0 = Arg
  264	},
  265	[Arg].
  266meta_expansion_arg(addmodule, TSpec, Arg, M, R) --> !,
  267	meta_expansion_arg(addmodule(?), TSpec, Arg, M, R).
  268meta_expansion_arg(addterm, TSpec, Arg, M, R) --> !,
  269	meta_expansion_arg(addterm(?), TSpec, Arg, M, R).
  270meta_expansion_arg(Spec, Spec, Arg, _, _) --> [Arg].
  272meta_expansion_args(N, Meta, Head, HeadIn, M, R) -->
  273	{arg(N, Meta, Spec)},
  274	{arg(N, Head, TSpec)},
  275	{arg(N, HeadIn, Arg)},
  276	meta_expansion_arg(Spec, TSpec, Arg, M, R),
  277	{N1 is N + 1},
  278	!,
  279	meta_expansion_args(N1, Meta, Head, HeadIn, M, R).
  280meta_expansion_args(_, _, _, _, _, _) --> [].
  282ciao_term_expansion((:- use_module(CiaoName)), (:- use_module(SWIName))) :-
  283	map_ciaoname(CiaoName, SWIName).
  284ciao_term_expansion((:- use_module(CiaoName, L)), (:- use_module(SWIName, L))) :-
  285	map_ciaoname(CiaoName, SWIName).
  286ciao_term_expansion((:- include(CiaoName)), (:- include(SWIName))) :-
  287	map_ciaoname(CiaoName, SWIName).
  288ciao_term_expansion((:- reexport(CiaoName)), (:- reexport(SWIName))) :-
  289	map_ciaoname(CiaoName, SWIName).
  290ciao_term_expansion((:- reexport(CiaoName, L)), (:- reexport(SWIName, L))) :-
  291	map_ciaoname(CiaoName, SWIName).
  292ciao_term_expansion((:- meta_predicate(CiaoSpec)),
  293		      [ (:- meta_predicate(SWISpec))
  294		      | Wrappers
  295		      ]) :-
  296	(   phrase(map_metaspecs(CiaoSpec, SWISpec), Wrappers)
  297	->  true
  298	;   debug(ciao, 'Failed to translate ~q',
  299		  [(:- meta_predicate(CiaoSpec))]),
  300	    fail
  301	).
  302ciao_term_expansion((:- data(Data)), (:- dynamic(Data))).
  303ciao_term_expansion((:- primitive_meta_predicate(CiaoSpec)), SWIDecl) :-
  304	expand_term((:- meta_predicate(CiaoSpec)), SWIDecl).
  305ciao_term_expansion((:- redefining(F/A)), (:- redefine_system_predicate(H))) :-
  306	functor(H, F, A).
  307ciao_term_expansion((:- load_compilation_module(CiaoName)),
  308		    [(:- CM:use_module(SWIName))]) :-
  309	compilation_module(CM),
  310	map_ciaoname(CiaoName, SWIName).
  311ciao_term_expansion((:- add_sentence_trans(F/A, P)),
  312		    [ciao:ciao_trans_db(CM, sentence, P, F, A)|Clauses]) :-
  313	'$current_source_module'(M),
  314	compilation_module(M, CM),
  315	(   current_predicate(CM:F/A) ->
  316	    functor(H, F, A),
  317	    arg(1, H, 0),
  318	    arg(2, H, CL),
  319	    ignore(arg(3, H, M)),
  320	    ignore(CM:H),
  321	    (   var(CL)
  322	    ->  Clauses = []
  323	    ;   is_list(CL)
  324	    ->  Clauses = CL
  325	    ;   Clauses = [CL]
  326	    )
  327	;   throw(error(existence_error(add_sentence_trans, F/A), _))
  328	).
  329ciao_term_expansion((:- add_goal_trans(F/A, P)),
  330		    ciao:ciao_trans_db(CM, goal, P, F, A)) :-
  331	compilation_module(CM),
  332	( current_predicate(CM:F/A) -> true
  333	; throw(error(existence_error(add_goal_trans, F/A), _))
  334	).
  335ciao_term_expansion((H :- B), Clause) :-
  336				% In Ciao, A :- A is one of the ways
  337				% to tell the system A is a built-in.
  338	H == B, !,
  339	functor(H, F, A),
  340	Clause = (:- export(F/A)).
  341ciao_term_expansion((:- impl_defined(L)), Clauses) :-
  342	'$current_source_module'(M),
  343	findall(H, ( sequence_contains(L, bad_spec_error(impl_defined), F, A),
  344		     \+ current_predicate(M:F/A),
  345		     functor(H, F, A)
  346		   ),
  347		Clauses). % Define dummy implementations to the
  348		          % impl_defined predicates that do not have a
  349		          % real implementation to avoid warnings.
  351bad_spec_error(impl_defined, Spec) :-
  352	throw(error(domain_error(predname, Spec), _)).
  354:- meta_predicate sequence_contains(+,1,-,-).  355sequence_contains(V, BadP, _, _) :- var(V), !,
  356	call(BadP, V), fail.
  357sequence_contains([], _, _, _) :- !, fail.
  358sequence_contains([S|Ss], BadP, F, A) :- !,
  359        ( sequence_contains(S, BadP, F, A)
  360        ; sequence_contains(Ss, BadP, F, A)
  361        ).
  362sequence_contains((S,Ss), BadP, F, A) :- !,
  363        ( sequence_contains(S, BadP, F, A)
  364        ; sequence_contains(Ss, BadP, F, A)
  365        ).
  366sequence_contains(F/A, _, F, A) :-
  367        atom(F), integer(A), !.
  368sequence_contains(S, BadP, _, _) :-
  369        call(BadP, S), fail.
  371get_expansor(F, A, M, Dict, Term0, Term, TR) :-
  372	functor(TR, F, A),
  373	arg(1, TR, Term0),
  374	arg(2, TR, Term),
  375	ignore(arg(3, TR, M)),
  376	ignore(arg(4, TR, Dict)).
  378call_sentence_expansion([],        _,  _, _,    Term,  Pos,  Term, Pos).
  379call_sentence_expansion([F/A|PIs], CM, M, Dict, Term0, Pos0, Term, Pos) :-
  380	( get_expansor(F, A, M, Dict, Term0, Term1, Expansor),
  381	  CM:Expansor ->
  382	  '$expand':expand_terms(ciao:call_sentence_expansion(PIs, CM, M, Dict),
  383				 Term1, Pos0, Term, Pos)
  384	; call_sentence_expansion(PIs, CM, M, Dict, Term0, Pos0, Term, Pos)
  385	).
  387call_goal_expansion([],        _,  _, _,    Term,  Term).
  388call_goal_expansion([F/A|PIs], CM, M, Dict, Term0, Term) :-
  389	( get_expansor(F, A, M, Dict, Term0, Term1, Expansor),
  390	  CM:Expansor -> true
  391	; Term0 = Term1
  392	),
  393	call_goal_expansion(PIs, CM, M, Dict, Term1, Term).
  395call_expansion(sentence, PIs, CM, M, Dict, Term0, Term) :-
  396	call_sentence_expansion(PIs, CM, M, Dict, Term0, _, Term, _).
  397call_expansion(goal, PIs, CM, M, Dict, Term0, Term) :-
  398	call_goal_expansion(PIs, CM, M, Dict, Term0, Term).
  400:- use_module(library(prolog_clause), []). % read_term_at_line/6
  401:- use_module(library(pairs), [pairs_values/2]).  402
  403get_expansors(CM, Trans, PIs) :-
  404	findall(P-(F/A), ciao_trans_db(CM, Trans, P, F, A), UKPIs),
  405	keysort(UKPIs, KPIs),
  406	pairs_values(KPIs, PIs).
  408% :- meta_predicate ciao_trans(:, ?, ?, ?).
  409ciao_trans(CM, Trans, Term0, Term) :-
  410	get_expansors(CM, Trans, PIs),
  411	PIs \= [],
  412	'$current_source_module'(M),
  413	b_getval('$variable_names', Dict),
  414	call_expansion(Trans, PIs, CM, M, Dict, Term0, Term).
  416swi_meta_arg(_,    Arg,   Arg) :-
  417	(var(Arg) ; atom(Arg)), !.
  418swi_meta_arg(_,    M:Arg, M:Arg) :-
  419	(var(M)   ; atom(M)),
  420	(var(Arg) ; atom(Arg)), !.
  421swi_meta_arg(_,    '$ciao_meta'(Arg), '$ciao_meta'(Arg)) :- !.
  422swi_meta_arg(Meta, Arg, '$ciao_meta'(Arg)) :- integer(Meta), Meta > 0, !.
  423swi_meta_arg(_, _, Arg, Arg).
  425swi_meta_args(Spec, CiaoGoal, SWIGoal) :-
  426	functor(CiaoGoal, F, A),
  427	functor(SWIGoal, F, A),
  428	swi_meta_args(1, Spec, CiaoGoal, SWIGoal).
  430swi_meta_args(N, Spec, CiaoGoal, SWIGoal) :-
  431	arg(N, Spec, Meta),
  432	!,
  433	arg(N, CiaoGoal, CiaoArg),
  434	arg(N, SWIGoal, SWIArg),
  435	swi_meta_arg(Meta, CiaoArg, SWIArg),
  436	N1 is N + 1,
  437	swi_meta_args(N1, Spec, CiaoGoal, SWIGoal).
  438swi_meta_args(_, _, _, _).
  445:- meta_predicate
  446	'$ciao_meta'(1, ?),
  447	'$ciao_meta'(2, ?, ?),
  448	'$ciao_meta'(3, ?, ?, ?),
  449	'$ciao_meta'(4, ?, ?, ?, ?),
  450	'$ciao_meta'(5, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?),
  451	'$ciao_meta'(6, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?),
  452	'$ciao_meta'(7, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?).  453
  454'$ciao_meta'(M:P0, A1) :-
  455	P0 =.. [F|Args],
  456	P =.. [F, A1|Args],
  457	call(M:P).
  458'$ciao_meta'(M:P0, A1, A2) :-
  459	P0 =.. [F|Args],
  460	P =.. [F, A1|Args],
  461	call(M:P, A2).
  462'$ciao_meta'(M:P0, A1, A2, A3) :-
  463	P0 =.. [F|Args],
  464	P =.. [F, A1|Args],
  465	call(M:P, A2, A3).
  466'$ciao_meta'(M:P0, A1, A2, A3, A4) :-
  467	P0 =.. [F|Args],
  468	P =.. [F, A1|Args],
  469	call(M:P, A2, A3, A4).
  470'$ciao_meta'(M:P0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5) :-
  471	P0 =.. [F|Args],
  472	P =.. [F, A1|Args],
  473	call(M:P, A2, A3, A4, A5).
  474'$ciao_meta'(M:P0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6) :-
  475	P0 =.. [F|Args],
  476	P =.. [F, A1|Args],
  477	call(M:P, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6).
  478'$ciao_meta'(M:P0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7) :-
  479	P0 =.. [F|Args],
  480	P =.. [F, A1|Args],
  481	call(M:P, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7).
  483ciao_foldl(L, S, O, R) :- foldl(O, L, S, R).
  485ciao_goal_expansion(atom_concat(A, B),          atomic_list_concat(A, B)) :- !.
  486ciao_goal_expansion(asserta_fact(Fact),         asserta(Fact)) :- !.
  487ciao_goal_expansion(asserta_fact(Fact, Ref),    asserta(Fact, Ref)) :- !.
  488ciao_goal_expansion(assertz_fact(Fact),         assertz(Fact)) :- !.
  489ciao_goal_expansion(assertz_fact(Fact, Ref),    assertz(Fact, Ref)) :- !.
  490ciao_goal_expansion(retract_fact(Fact),         retract(Fact)) :- !.
  491ciao_goal_expansion(retract_fact_nb(Fact),      retract(Fact)) :- !.
  492ciao_goal_expansion(retract_fact(Fact, Ref),    retract(Fact, Ref)) :- !.
  493ciao_goal_expansion(retract_fact_nb(Fact, Ref), retract(Fact, Ref)) :- !.
  494ciao_goal_expansion(retractall_fact(Fact),      retractall(Fact)) :- !.
  495ciao_goal_expansion(current_fact(Fact),         clause(Fact, _)) :- !.
  496ciao_goal_expansion(current_fact(Fact, Ref),    clause(Fact, _, Ref)) :- !.
  497ciao_goal_expansion(current_fact_nb(Fact),      clause(Fact, _)) :- !.
  498ciao_goal_expansion(current_fact_nb(Fact, Ref), clause(Fact, _, Ref)) :- !.
  499ciao_goal_expansion('$exit'(Code),              halt(Code)) :- !.
  500ciao_goal_expansion('$metachoice'(Choice),      prolog_current_choice(Choice)) :- !.
  501ciao_goal_expansion('$metacut'(Choice),         prolog_cut_to(Choice)) :- !.
  502ciao_goal_expansion('$meta_call'(Goal),         call(Goal)) :- !.
  503ciao_goal_expansion('$setarg'(Arg, Term, Value, on), setarg(Arg, Term, Value)) :- !.
  504ciao_goal_expansion('$setarg'(Arg, Term, Value, true), nb_setarg(Arg, Term, Value)) :- !.
  505ciao_goal_expansion(instance(A, B),             subsumes_term(B, A)) :- !.
  506ciao_goal_expansion(varset(A, B),               term_variables(A, B)) :- !.
  507ciao_goal_expansion(foldl(L, S, O, R),          ciao_foldl(L, S, O, R)) :- !.
  508ciao_goal_expansion(attach_attribute(V, A),     put_attr(V, attributes, A)) :- !.
  509ciao_goal_expansion(detach_attribute(V),        del_attr(V, attributes)) :- !.
  510ciao_goal_expansion(update_attribute(V, A),     put_attr(V, attributes, A)) :- !.
  511ciao_goal_expansion(get_attribute(V, A),        get_attr(V, attributes, A)) :- !.
  512ciao_goal_expansion(mktemp_in_tmp(T, F),        tmp_file(T, F)) :- !.
  514ciao_goal_expansion(current_prolog_flag(F, V),  G) :-
  515	F == discontiguous_warnings,
  516	!,
  517	G = (style_check(?(discontiguous)) -> V = on ; v = off).
  518ciao_goal_expansion(set_prolog_flag(F, V), G) :-
  519	F == discontiguous_warnings,
  520	!,
  521	( V == on  -> G = style_check(+(discontiguous))
  522	; V == off -> G = style_check(-(discontiguous))
  523	).
  524ciao_goal_expansion(push_prolog_flag(Flag, NewValue), G) :- !,
  525	expand_push_prolog_flag(Flag, NewValue, G).
  526ciao_goal_expansion(push_ciao_flag(Flag, NewValue), G) :- !,
  527	expand_push_prolog_flag(Flag, NewValue, G).
  528ciao_goal_expansion(pop_prolog_flag(Flag), G) :- !,
  529	expand_pop_prolog_flag(Flag, G).
  530ciao_goal_expansion(pop_ciao_flag(Flag), G) :- !,
  531	expand_pop_prolog_flag(Flag, G).
  533ciao_goal_expansion(CiaoGoal, SWIGoal) :-
  534	CiaoGoal \= _:_,
  535	\+ functor(CiaoGoal, '$ciao_meta', _),
  536	'$current_source_module'(M),
  537	predicate_property(M:CiaoGoal, meta_predicate(Spec)),
  538	swi_meta_args(Spec, CiaoGoal, SWIGoal),
  539	CiaoGoal \= SWIGoal.
  541expand_push_prolog_flag(Flag, NewValue, G) :-
  542	'$current_source_module'(M),
  543	G = ( nonvar(Flag),
  544	      prolog_flag(Flag, OldValue, NewValue),
  545	      asserta(ciao:old_flag(M, Flag, OldValue))).
  547expand_pop_prolog_flag(Flag, G) :-
  548	'$current_source_module'(M),
  549	G = ( nonvar(Flag),
  550	      once(retract(ciao:old_flag(M, Flag, OldValue))),
  551	      prolog_flag(Flag, _, OldValue)).
  553		 /*******************************
  554		 *	    LIBRARY SETUP	*
  555		 *******************************/
Pushes searching for dialect/ciao in front of every library directory that contains such as sub-directory.
  562push_ciao_library :-
  563	(   absolute_file_name(library(dialect/ciao), Dir,
  564			       [ file_type(directory),
  565				 access(read),
  566				 solutions(all),
  567				 file_errors(fail)
  568			       ]),
  569	    asserta((user:file_search_path(library, Dir) :-
  570		    prolog_load_context(dialect, ciao))),
  571	    fail
  572	;   true
  573	).
  576:- push_ciao_library.