1/* Author: Jan Wielemaker 2 E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl 3 WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org 4 Copyright (c) 2017, VU University Amsterdam 5 All rights reserved. 6 7 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without 8 modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions 9 are met: 10 11 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright 12 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 13 14 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright 15 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in 16 the documentation and/or other materials provided with the 17 distribution. 18 19 THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS 20 "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT 21 LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS 22 FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE 23 COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, 24 INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, 25 BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; 26 LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER 27 CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT 28 LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN 29 ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE 30 POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. 31*/ 32 33:- module(wordnet, 34 [ wn_s/6, % basic Wordnet relations 35 wn_g/2, 36 wn_hyp/2, 37 wn_ins/2, 38 wn_ent/2, 39 wn_sim/2, 40 wn_mm/2, 41 wn_ms/2, 42 wn_mp/2, 43 wn_der/4, 44 wn_cls/5, 45 wn_cs/2, 46 wn_vgp/4, 47 wn_at/2, 48 wn_ant/4, 49 wn_sa/4, 50 wn_sk/3, 51 wn_syntax/3, 52 wn_ppl/4, 53 wn_per/4, 54 wn_fr/3, 55 56 wn_cat/3, % +SynSet, -SyntacticCategory, -Offset 57 ss_type/2, % +Code, -Type 58 59 load_wordnet/0 % force loading everything 60 ]).
95 /******************************* 96 * FIND WORDNET * 97 *******************************/ 98 99:- multifile user:file_search_path/2. 100 101user:file_search_path(wndb, WNDB) :- 102 ( getenv('WNDB', WNDB) 103 -> true 104 ; current_prolog_flag(windows, true) 105 -> WNDB = 'C:\\Program Files\\WordNet\\3.0' 106% ; WNDB = '/usr/local/WordNet-3.0' 107 ; WNDB = '/mnt/BPL/WordNet-3.0/prolog' 108 ). 109 110haswndb :- 111 absolute_file_name(wndb(wn_s), _, 112 [ file_type(prolog), 113 access(read), 114 file_errors(fail) 115 ]). 116checkwndb :- 117 haswndb, 118 !. 119checkwndb :- 120 print_message(error, wordnet(nodb)). 121 122:- initialization 123 checkwndb.
130wn_op(ant(synset_id, w_num, synset_id, w_num)). 131wn_op(at(synset_id, synset_id)). 132wn_op(cls(synset_id, w_num, synset_id, wn_num, class_type)). 133wn_op(cs(synset_id, synset_id)). 134wn_op(der(synset_id, w_num, synset_id, wn_num)). 135wn_op(ent(synset_id, synset_id)). 136wn_op(fr(synset_id, w_num, f_num)). 137wn_op(g(synset_id, '(gloss)')). 138wn_op(hyp(synset_id, synset_id)). 139wn_op(ins(synset_id, synset_id)). 140wn_op(mm(synset_id, synset_id)). 141wn_op(mp(synset_id, synset_id)). 142wn_op(ms(synset_id, synset_id)). 143wn_op(per(synset_id, w_num, synset_id, w_num)). 144wn_op(ppl(synset_id, w_num, synset_id, w_num)). 145wn_op(s(synset_id, w_num, 'word', ss_type, sense_number, tag_count)). 146wn_op(sa(synset_id, w_num, synset_id, w_num)). 147wn_op(sim(synset_id, synset_id)). 148wn_op(sk(synset_id, w_num, sense_key)). 149wn_op(syntax(synset_id, w_num, syntax)). 150wn_op(vgp(synset_id, w_num, synset_id, w_num)). 151 152 153 /******************************* 154 * WORDNET BASIC RELATIONS * 155 *******************************/
164wn_ant(Antonym1, Wnum1, Antonym2, WNum2) :- ant(Antonym1, Wnum1, Antonym2, WNum2).
173wn_at(Noun, Adjective) :- at(Noun, Adjective).
182wn_cls(SynSet, W1, Class, W2, ClassType) :-
183 cls(SynSet, W1, Class, W2, ClassType).
The cs operator specifies that the second synset is a cause of the first synset. This relation only holds for verbs.
192wn_cs(SynSet, Causes) :-
193 cs(SynSet, Causes).
201wn_der(SynSet1, W1, SynSet2, W2) :-
202 der(SynSet1, W1, SynSet2, W2).
209wn_ent(SynSet, Entailment) :-
210 ent(SynSet, Entailment).
217wn_fr(Synset, Wnum, Fnum) :-
218 fr(Synset, Wnum, Fnum).
224wn_g(SynSet, Gloss) :-
225 g(SynSet, Gloss).
234wn_hyp(Hyponym, HyperNym) :-
235 hyp(Hyponym, HyperNym).
244wn_ins(A,B) :- ins(A,B).
252wn_mm(SynSet, MemberMeronym) :-
253 mm(SynSet, MemberMeronym).
261wn_mp(SynSet, PartMeronym) :-
262 ms(SynSet, PartMeronym).
270wn_ms(SynSet, SubstanceMeronym) :-
271 ms(SynSet, SubstanceMeronym).
281wn_per(Synset1, WNum1, Synset2, WNum2) :-
282 per(Synset1, WNum1, Synset2, WNum2).
289wn_ppl(Synset1, WNum1, Synset2, WNum2) :-
290 ppl(Synset1, WNum1, Synset2, WNum2).
w_num specifies the word number for word in the synset.
297wn_s(SynSet, WNum, Word, SynSetType, Sense, Tag) :-
298 s(SynSet, WNum, Word, SynSetType, Sense, Tag).
308wn_sa(Synset1, WNum1, Synset2, WNum2) :-
309 sa(Synset1, WNum1, Synset2, WNum2).
318wn_sim(SynSet, Similar) :-
319 sim(SynSet, Similar).
326wn_sk(A,B,C) :-
327 sk(A,B,C).
334wn_syntax(A,B,C) :-
335 syntax(A,B,C).
343wn_vgp(Verb, W1, Similar, W2) :- 344 vgp(Verb, W1, Similar, W2). 345 346 347 /******************************* 348 * CODE MAPPINGS * 349 *******************************/
356wn_cat(SynSet, Category, Small) :- 357 Small is SynSet mod 100000000, 358 CatNum is SynSet // 100000000, 359 wn_cat(CatNum, Category). 360 361wn_cat(1, noun). 362wn_cat(2, verb). 363wn_cat(3, adjective). 364wn_cat(4, adverb).
371ss_type(n, noun). 372ss_type(v, verb). 373ss_type(a, adjective). 374ss_type(s, adjective_satellite). 375ss_type(r, adverb).
383load_wordnet :- 384 ( wn_op(O), 385 functor(O, Name, _), 386 load_op(Name), 387 fail 388 ; true 389 ). 390 391load_op(Name) :- 392 atom_concat('wn_', Name, File), 393 absolute_file_name(wndb(File), 394 [ access(read), 395 file_type(prolog) 396 ], 397 PlFile), 398 file_name_extension(Base, _Ext, PlFile), 399 file_name_extension(Base, qlf, QlfFile), 400 ( exists_file(QlfFile), 401 time_file(QlfFile, QlfTime), 402 time_file(PlFile, PlTime), 403 QlfTime >= PlTime 404 -> load_files(QlfFile) 405 ; access_file(QlfFile, write) 406 -> qcompile(PlFile) 407 ; load_files(PlFile) 408 ). 409 410 411 /******************************* 412 * JUST IN TIME LOADING * 413 *******************************/ 414 415:- multifile user:exception/3. 416 417user:exception(undefined_predicate, wordnet:Name/Arity, retry) :- 418 functor(Op, Name, Arity), 419 wn_op(Op), 420 load_op(Name). 421 422 423 /******************************* 424 * MESSAGES * 425 *******************************/ 426 427:- multifile prolog:message//1. 428 429prologmessage(wordnet(nodb)) --> 430 [ 'Cannot find WordNet data files. Please set the environment'-[], nl, 431 'variable WNDB to point at the directory holding the WordNet files'-[] 432 ]
Wordnet lexical and semantic database
This module discloses the Wordnet Prolog files is a more SWI-Prolog friendly manner. It exploits SWI-Prolog demand-loading and SWI-Prolog Quick Load Files to load `just-in-time' and as quickly as possible.
The system creates Quick Load Files for each wordnet file needed if the .qlf file doesn't exist and the wordnet directory is writeable. For shared installations it is adviced to run load_wordnet/0 as user with sufficient privileges to create the Quick Load Files.
This library defines a portray/1 rule to explain synset ids.
Some more remarks: