1:- module(bc_comment_notify, [
    2    bc_comment_notify/1 % +CommentId
    3]).    4
    5:- use_module(library(assoc)).    6:- use_module(library(error)).    7:- use_module(library(docstore)).    8:- use_module(library(sort_dict)).    9
   10:- use_module(bc_comment_mention).   11:- use_module(bc_mail_template).   12:- use_module(bc_data_config).   13:- use_module(bc_mail_queue).   14:- use_module(bc_string).   15:- use_module(bc_type).   16
   17% Send notifications for the given
   18% comment. Fails if comment does not
   19% exist.
 bc_comment_notify(CommentId) is det
Sends comment notifications. Includes mentions and notification to the entry author.
   28    must_be(atom, CommentId),
   29    debug(bc_comment,
   30        'sending comment ~w notifications', [CommentId]),
   31    ds_col_get(comment, CommentId, Comment),
   32    ds_col_get(entry, Comment.post, Entry),
   33    notify_parent(Comment, Entry),
   34    notify_mentions(Comment, Entry),
   35    notify_entry_author(Comment, Entry).
   37% Notifies parent comment author.
   39notify_parent(Comment, Entry):-
   40    (   get_dict(reply_to, Comment, ParentId),
   41        ds_col_get(comment, ParentId, Parent),
   42        get_dict(notify, Parent, true),
   43        get_dict(email, Parent, Email),
   44        entry_canonical_url(Entry, URL)
   45    ->  Data = _{
   46            comment: Comment,
   47            parent: Parent,
   48            entry: Entry,
   49            entry_url: URL },
   50        bc_mail_render_template(reply, Data, Result),
   51        bc_config_get(smtp_from, From),
   52        bc_mail_enqueue_text(Result.body, From,
   53            Result.subject, Email)
   54    ;   true).
   56% Notify the entry author.
   58notify_entry_author(Comment, Entry):-
   59    ds_col_get(user, Entry.author, Author),
   60    (   Author.comment_notifications = true,
   61        entry_canonical_url(Entry, URL)
   62    ->  Data = _{
   63            entry: Entry,
   64            author: Author,
   65            comment: Comment,
   66            entry_url: URL },
   67        bc_mail_render_template(comment, Data, Result),
   68        bc_config_get(smtp_from, From),
   69        bc_mail_enqueue_text(Result.body, From,
   70            Result.subject, Author.username)
   71    ;   true).
   73% Notify users that are mentioned in the comment.
   75notify_mentions(Comment, Entry):-
   76    (   entry_canonical_url(Entry, URL)
   77    ->  entry_mentionable_authors(Comment.post, Authors),
   78        assoc_to_keys(Authors, Names),
   79        include(accepts_notify(Authors), Names, Accepting),
   80        bc_mentions_parse(Comment.content, Accepting, Mentions),
   81        maplist(extract_receiver(Authors), Mentions, Receivers),
   82        maplist(mention_send(Entry, URL, Comment), Receivers)
   83    ;   true).
   85extract_receiver(Authors, Name, Receiver):-
   86    get_assoc(Name, Authors, Receiver).
   88% Sends mention notification to the commenter
   89% that was mentioned.
   91mention_send(Entry, URL, Comment, Mention):-
   92    debug(bc_comment,
   93        'sending mention notification to ~w', [Mention.email]),
   94    Data = _{
   95        entry: Entry,
   96        receiver: Mention,
   97        comment: Comment,
   98        entry_url: URL },
   99    bc_mail_render_template(mention, Data, Result),
  100    bc_config_get(smtp_from, From),
  101    bc_mail_enqueue_text(Result.body, From,
  102        Result.subject, Mention.email).
  104accepts_notify(Authors, Name):-
  105    get_assoc(Name, Authors, Data),
  106    Data.notify = true.
  108% FIXME move into bc_data_mail.
  110% Finds all comment authors for the
  111% given entry. Authors is an assoc.
  113entry_mentionable_authors(EntryId, Authors):-
  114    must_be(atom, EntryId),
  115    ds_find(comment, post=EntryId,
  116        [author, notify, email, date], Comments),
  117    sort_dict(date, desc, Comments, Sorted),
  118    merge_author_data(Sorted, Authors).
  120merge_author_data(Comments, Assoc):-
  121    empty_assoc(Empty),
  122    merge_author_data(Comments, Empty, Assoc).
  124merge_author_data([Comment|Comments], Acc, Assoc):-
  125    (   get_dict(email, Comment, _),
  126        get_dict(notify, Comment, true)
  127    ->  New = _{
  128            comment_id: Comment.'$id',
  129            name: Comment.author,
  130            notify: Comment.notify,
  131            email: Comment.email
  132        },
  133        put_assoc(Comment.author, Acc, New, Tmp),
  134        merge_author_data(Comments, Tmp, Assoc)
  135    ;   merge_author_data(Comments, Acc, Assoc)).
  137merge_author_data([], Assoc, Assoc).
  139% Constructs canonical URL for
  140% the entry. Fails when canonical
  141% URL pattern is not configured.
  143entry_canonical_url(Entry, URL):-
  144    bc_type_canonical(Entry.type, Canonical),
  145    bc_config_get(site, Site),
  146    bc_string_replace(Canonical, '<slug>', Entry.slug, Path),
  147    atom_concat(Site, Path, URL)