:- module( bio_db_musm_reac, [ bio_db_musm_reac/0, % + Reactome reac_musm_ncbi_reac/2, reac_musm_ncbi_reap/2, reac_musm_reac_reap/3, reac_musm_reac_recl/2, reac_musm_reac_recn/2, reac_musm_reap_repn/2 ] ). :- use_module(library(lib)). :- lib(bio_db). /** bio_db_musm_reac. Documentation predicate for Homo sapiens data from reactome database. == ?- lib( &bio_db(musm(reac)) ). ?- [ pack('bio_db/cell/musm/reac') ]. == @author nicos angelopoulos @version 0.1 2022/12/25 */ bio_db_musm_reac. /** reac_musm_ncbi_reac( ?Ncbi, ?Reac ). Map (mouse) NCBI identifiers to Reactome product ids. == ?- reac_musm_ncbi_reac( 1000, Reac ). == */ reac_musm_ncbi_reac( X, Y ) :- bio_db:bio_db_serve( reac_musm_ncbi_reac(X,Y) ). /** reac_musm_reac_reap( ?Reac, -Evidence, ?Reap ). Map Reactome product identifiers to Reactome pathway ids. Evidence is the type of evidence supporting the pathway membership. == ?- reac_musm_reac_reap(191429, Evi, Reac), write(Evi-Reac), nl, fail. == */ reac_musm_ncbi_reap( X, Y, Z ) :- bio_db:bio_db_serve( reac_musm_reac_reap(X,Y,Z) ). /** reac_musm_ncbi_reap( ?Ncbi, -Evidence, ?Reap ). Map (mouse) NCBI identifiers to Reactome pathway ids. Evidence is the type of evidence supporting the pathway membership. == ?- reac_musm_ncbi_reap(1000, Evi, Reac), write(Evi-Reac), nl, fail. == */ reac_musm_ncbi_reap( X, Y, Z ) :- bio_db:bio_db_serve( reac_musm_ncbi_reap(X,Y,Z) ). /** reac_musm_reac_recl( ?Reac, ?Recl ). Map Reactome product identifiers to localisation tokens. == ?- reac_musm_reac_recl( 191429, Recl ). == */ reac_musm_reac_recl( X, Z ) :- bio_db:bio_db_serve( reac_musm_reac_recl(X,Z) ). /** reac_musm_reac_recn( ?Reac, ?Recn ). Map Reactome product identifiers to product names. == ?- reac_musm_reac_recn( 191429, Recn ). == */ reac_musm_reac_recn( X, Y, Z ) :- bio_db:bio_db_serve( reac_musm_reac_recn(X,Y,Z) ). /** reac_musm_reap_repn( ?Reap, ?Repn ). Map Reactome pathway identifiers to pathway names. == ?- reac_musm_reap_repn( 525793, Repn ). == */ reac_musm_reap_repn( X, Z ) :- bio_db:bio_db_serve( reac_musm_reap_repn(X,Z) ).