:- use_module( library(lists) ). % member/2. % if library(lib) is missing, install via pack_install(lib). % :- use_module( library(lib) ). % external code, lib knows how to deal with these (will install if missing) :- lib(mtx). :- lib(os_lib). :- lib(by_unix). :- lib(options). :- lib(debug_call). % also sets lib alias to that dir :- ensure_loaded( '../../lib/bio_db_build_aliases' ). % /1. % local libs & sources :- lib(link_to_bio_sub/3). :- lib(bio_db_dnt_times/3). :- lib(build_dnload_loc/3). :- lib(bio_db_source_url/3). :- lib(url_file_local_date_mirror/3). :- lib(bio_db_add_infos/1). % bio_db_add_infos_to/2. % gont_gallus_url('http://current.geneontology.org/annotations/goa_chicken.gaf.gz'). std_chicken_maps_gont_defaults( [ db(gont), debug(true), debug_fetch(true), debug_url(false), goa_base(gont_goa), goa_file('goa_chicken.gaf.gz'), iactive(true), org(chicken) ] ). /** std_chicken_maps_gont. Build maps from gene ontology data. Opts * db(Db=ense) source database * debug(Dbg=true) progress, informational messages * debug_fetch(Fbg=true) whether to debug the fetching of the url (via url_file_local_date_mirror/3) * debug_url(Ubg=false) whether to debug the concatenation of the url (via bio_db_source_url/3) * goa_base(GoaB=gont_goa) bio_db_source_base_url/2, token or url to download from * goa_file(GoaF='goa_human.gaf.gz') the file name for the download (appended to Ufx@bio_db_source_base_url(gont_goa,Ufx)) * iactive(Iact=true) whether the session is interactive, otherwise wget gets --no-verbose * org(Org=chicken) organism == ?- std_chicken_maps_gont([]). ορέστης;dnloads/gont% date Tue 27 Dec 12:04:28 GMT 2022 ορέστης;dnloads/gont% pwd /usr/local/users/nicos/local/share/swi-prolog/pack/Downloads/bio_db_repo-22.12.27/dnloads/gont/maps ορέστης;dnloads/gont% wc -l * 99017 maps/map_gont_gallus_symb_gont.pl 43279 maps/map_gont_gont_gonm.pl 332010 maps/map_gont_gont_symb.csv 332017 maps/map_gont_gont_symb.pl 332017 maps/map_gont_symb_gont.pl 1138340 total == @author nicos angelopoulos @version 0.1 2022/12/17 */ std_chicken_maps_gont( Args ) :- Self = std_chicken_maps_gont, options_append( Self, Args, Opts ), bio_db_build_aliases( Opts ), build_dnload_loc( Self, DnDir, Opts ), SrcRnms = [debug_url-debug,goa_base-url_base,goa_file-url_file], bio_db_source_url( Url, SrcRnms, Opts ), working_directory( Old, DnDir ), options( debug_fetch(Fbg), Opts ), UrlOpts = [debug(Fbg),dnld_file(GzGontF)|Opts], url_file_local_date_mirror( Url, DnDir, UrlOpts ), @ gunzip( -k, -f, GzGontF ), os_ext( gz, GontF, GzGontF ), mtx( GontF, GAs, [skip_heading('!'),sep(tab)] ), debuc( Self, dims, gaf/GAs ), findall( gont_galg_symb_gont(Symb,Rel,Evid,Gont), ( member(Row,GAs), arg(3,Row,Symb), Symb \== '', arg(4,Row,Rel), arg(5,Row,GontPrv), at_con([_,GontAtm],':',GontPrv), atom_number(GontAtm,Gont), arg(7,Row,Evid) ), FactsAll ), sort( FactsAll, Facts ), os_make_path( maps ), os_dir_stem_ext( maps, gont_galg_symb_gont, pl, MapF ), portray_clauses( Facts, file(MapF) ), bio_db_dnt_times( GzGontF, DnDt, _SwDnEn ), InfoOpts = [header(row('Symbol','Relation','Evidence','GO_Term')),source(Url),datetime(DnDt)], % bio_db_add_infos_to( InfoOpts, 'maps/map_gont_mouse_mgim_gont.pl' ), bio_db_add_infos_to( InfoOpts, MapF ), link_to_bio_sub( gont, MapF, [org(gallus),type(maps)] ), @ rm( -f, GontF ), working_directory( _, Old ).