:- use_module(library(lists)). % member/2. :- use_module(library(sgml)). % load_html/3. :- lib(options). :- lib(by_unix). :- lib(stoics_lib:message_report/3). std_graphs_strg_auto_version_defaults([iactive(true)]). /** std_graphs_strg_auto_version(-Vers, +Opts) Scrobes the current version off the STRING website. Opts * iactive(Iact=true) when =false= pass --no-verbose to the wget call == ?- std_graphs_strg_auto_version( Vers, true ). Sending, name: wget, args: [-O,/tmp/index.html,https://string-db.org], opts:[]. --2023-09-23 23:14:10-- https://string-db.org/ Resolving string-db.org (string-db.org)...,, 2606:4700:3108::ac42:288d, ... Connecting to string-db.org (string-db.org)||:443... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: unspecified [text/html] Saving to: ‘/tmp/index.html’ /tmp/index.html [ <=> ] 94.46K --.-KB/s in 0.06s 2023-09-23 23:14:11 (1.66 MB/s) - ‘/tmp/index.html’ saved [96722] % Auto detected version: 12.0 Vers = '12.0'. ?- std_graphs_strg_auto_version( Vers, iactive(false) ). % Sending, name: wget, args: [--no-verbose,-O,/tmp/index.html,https://string-db.org], opts:[]. 2023-09-23 23:14:33 URL:https://string-db.org/ [96722] -> "/tmp/index.html" [1] % Auto detected version: 12.0 Vers = '12.0'. == @author nicos angelopoulos @version 0.1 2018/11/09 @version 0.2 2023/09/23, added options (iactive(Iact)) */ std_graphs_strg_auto_version( VerAtm, Args ) :- % load_html( 'https://string-db.org/', Idx, [] ), Self = std_graphs_strg_auto_version, options_append( Self, Args, Opts ), ( options(iactive(false),Opts) -> @ wget('--no-verbose','-O','/tmp/index.html','https://string-db.org') ; @ wget('-O','/tmp/index.html','https://string-db.org') ), % load_html( 'https://string-db.org/', Idx, [] ), load_html( '/tmp/index.html', Idx, [] ), % findall( Li, xpath(Idx,//(li),Li), Lis ), % Lis = [_,element(li,_,[element(a,_,[VerAtm])])|_], % % element(li, [class=last], [element(a, _, ['10.5'])]) % atomic_list_concat( IntAtms, '.', VerAtm ), % maplist( atom_number, IntAtms, Ints ), % maplist( integer, Ints ), % As of version 11.0: Idx = [element(_,_,Subs)], Subs = [element(head,[],HeadSubs),_Body], member( element(script, [], [ScriptSub] ), HeadSubs ), atom_concat( Pfx, Mdx, ScriptSub ), atom_concat( _, 'string_database_version_dotted: \'', Pfx ), atom_concat(Left,_Right,Mdx), atom_concat( VerAtm, '\'', Left ), atom_number( VerAtm, _Vers ), debuc( std_graphs_strg, 'Auto detected version: ~a', VerAtm ), !. std_graphs_strg_auto_version( unkonwn ) :- Mess1 = 'Please check number of latest version at http://string-db.org', Mess2 = '... and run, for example, std_graphs_string(\'10.5\').', message_report( Mess1, [], information ), message_report( Mess2, [], information ), fail.