:- use_module(library(lib)). % :- set_prolog_flag(lib_suggests_warns,debug). % use the above to see all suggested code dependencies. This also installs R dependencies. % the one below installs all suggested code % :- initialization(set_prolog_flag(lib_suggests_warns,install), now). :- lib(bio_analytics). :- debug(bt_go_string). :- debug(exp_go_over_string_graphs). :- debug(exp_gene_family_string_graph). /** bt_go_string. Run GO term ever-representation (exp_go_over/3) analysis on the data/silac/bt.csv data and then plot graphs for the bt.csv experiment. This version uses the stored over representation csv in data/silac/bt_go_vers.csv. The following will create a bunch of svg images in relative directory bt_go_graphs/ . == ?- [pack('bio_analytics/examples/bt_go_string')]. ?- bt_go_string. == @author nicos angelopoulos @version 0.1 2019/5/5 @see exp_go_over/3 */ bt_go_string :- absolute_file_name( pack('bio_analytics/data/silac/bt.csv'), ExpF ), Mess1 = 'Starting gene ontology over-representation analysis and string graph plotting for bt.csv', debug( bt_go_string, Mess1, [] ), Dir = bt_go_graphs, absolute_file_name( pack('bio_analytics/data/silac/bt_go_over.csv'), Gov ), % exp_go_over_string_graphs( ExpF, Gov, Dir, [go_over_pv_cut(0.01)] ), exp_go_over_string_graphs( ExpF, Gov, Dir, [] ), Mess2 = 'String graphs for gene ontology over-represented terms are in dir: ~p', debug( bt_go_string, Mess2, [Dir] ).