%%% Test tail recursive optimization. %%% % ------------ % this is a run in the spirit of Fig. 7 (RHS) of the paper. % It uses a much faster, prior program than the one reported in print. % Be warned to change Dir to some filesystem with loads of free space. % To reproduce the likelihood trajectory file for the experiment, do: % (a) run the experiment by, starting a prolog (SICStus or Yap) and % compile( bcw_fig7_grow ). % run_bcw_fig7_grow. % halt. % (b) cd into out_bcw_fig7_grow or directory you have chosen and % gunzip tr_uc_rm_idsd_a0_95b1_i60K__s1.gz % (c) start a prolog and % ['../../../carts/auxil/lld_stats_for_stem']. % lld_stats_for_stem( [tr_uc_rm_idsd_a0_95b1_i60K__s1] ). % halt. % (d) gzip tr_uc_rm_idsd_a0_95b1_i60K__s1 % % The likelihoods for the models in the chain are in tr_uc_rm_idsd_a0_95b1_i60K__s1.llhoods % Use gnuplot manually or via mcmcms/auxil/gsplay.pl to greate a .eps file from % thsse numbers. :- ensure_loaded( '../../run' ). :- elm( 'carts/src/lhood' ). % llhood_w_diff/5, model_llhood/2. :- elm( 'auxil/create_mvisits' ). % exec_extension/2. run_test_bcw_fig7_grow__str :- Dir = '/local/d1p1/nicos/kong/ijcai05/bcw/rr_test_bcw_fig7_grow__str', % Dir = out_bcw_fig7_grow, Runs = [ runs_file( runs_test_bcw_fig7_grow__str ), results_dir( Dir ), print([24,28,29,31]) ], run( Runs ).