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Pack ape -- prolog/utils/owlswrl/implication_to_swrl.pl
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Translate an Attempto DRS implication into Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL) rule.

We use the SWRL rule syntax specified in http://www.webont.org/owled/2009/papers/owled2009_submission_16.pdf

TODO: add a constraint that the variables in the head is a subset of the variables in the body.

- Kaarel Kaljurand
- 2010-12-14
 implication_to_swrl(+Condition:term, +RefList:list, -Implies:term) is semidet
Condition- is a DRS implication condition
RefList- is a list of DRS toplevel referents
Implies- is a SWRL 'DLSafeRule'-rule