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Pack ape -- prolog/utils/owlswrl/drs_to_owlswrl_core.pl
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Translate an Attempto DRS into Web Ontology Language (OWL 2), or if this fails then to Semantic Web Rule Language (SWRL).

If the translation fails then we search for errors by traversing the respective structure (e.g. implication) again. Note that the error capture is not completely implemented. Sometimes the translation simply fails and no explanatory messages are asserted.

- Kaarel Kaljurand
- 2013-04-08
- LGPLv3
 condition_oneof(+Condition:term, -Ref:term, -ObjectOneOf:term) is semidet
Note that this rule is only called for the top-level DRS conditions.
Condition- is a DRS (top-level) object-condition
Ref- is a discourse referent
ObjectOneOf- is OWL's ObjectOneOf construct that corresponds to the condition
- Fix comments, we also return genquant/4 now
 is_object_with_generalized_quantifier(+Condition:term) is semidet
Succeeds if the condition is an object-condition with certain QType and QNum arguments.

Note: "Name \= na" is there to reject NP conjunctions.

Condition- is a DRS condition
 condlist_axiomlist_with_cheat(+ConditionList:list, +RefList:list, -AxiomList:list) is semidet
Mapping from the DRS conditions' list to OWL axioms.
ConditionList- is a list of DRS conditions
RefList- is a list of top-level discourse referents
AxiomList- is a list of OWL axioms
- We first cheat a bit, e.g. in case the DRS consists of certain conditions then they are mapped immediately to a class assertion. This avoids the anonymous individuals that are generated by the general solution.
- Also, sentences like "There are exactly 4 continents." are handled here.
 has_dom_for_member(+Ref:nvar, +CondListIn:list, -CondListOut:list) is nondet
Given a discourse referent, selects its corresponding object condition, given that it corresponds to an indefinite pronoun ('somebody' or 'something') or the noun 'thing'.
Ref- is a discourse referent
CondListIn- is a list of DRS conditions
CondListOut- is the remaining list of DRS conditions (after select/3)
 condlist_and(+D:nvar, +CondList:list, +RefList:list, -And:term) is nondet
 condlist_and(+D:nvar, +CondList:list, +RefList:list, -Desc:term, -And:term) is nondet
D- is a distinguished discourse referent (the "subject" of an if-then sentence)
CondList- is a list of DRS conditions (under negation, disjunction, or then-box)
RefList- is a list of top-level discourse referents
Desc- is an OWL class description to be inserted into the intersection
And- is an OWL class description (possibly a named class)
 is_toplevel(+Ref:nvar, +RefList:list, -ObjectOneOf:term)
Succeeds if Ref is among the top-level referents (i.e. it corresponds to a proper name or to a common noun that is not under negation, disjunction, or implication).
Ref- is a discourse referent
RefList- is a list of top-level discourse referents
ObjectOneOf- is an OWL ObjectOneOf-class
 get_entity(+Name:atom, +NS:atom, -Individual:term) is semidet
 get_entity(+Name:atom, -Individual:term) is semidet
Name- is the name of the individual
NS- is a namespace identifier
Individual- is a named individual
 dataitem_datavalue_datatypeuri(+DataItem:term, -DataValue:term, -DataTypeUri:atom) is semidet
DataItem- is an ACE data-item (e.g. int(10), real(3.14), string('Go!'))
DataValue- is an ACE data-value (e.g. 10, 3.14, 'Go!')
DataTypeUri- is the corresponding XMLSchema datatype URI
 condlist_to_dlquery(+CondList:term, -ClassExpression:term) is semidet
Converts a list of DRS conditions into an OWL class expression. The DRS must have undergone: drs_to_sdrs, numbervars, drs_to_owldrs.
CondList- is a list of DRS conditions
ClassExpression- is an OWL class expression in OWL FSS (Prolog notation)

Ex: John does not see what?