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Pack ape -- prolog/utils/morphgen.pl |
surface_verb(sg, know, knows)
surface_verb(pl, know, know)
surface_verb(part, know, known)
BUGs:format(atom(WordForm), "is ~w by", [WordFormTmp])
escaping also double quotes and backslashes.
The result is an ACE quoted string.
Note that in the presence of aliases, the mapping of lemmas to surface forms is not deterministic. Consider e.g. the mapping of surface forms to lemmas:
@param Type is one of {cn, pn}, i.e. common noun or proper name @param Lemma is the lemma of the noun as found in the DRS @param Num is one of {sg, mass, pl} @param Form is the surface form of the noun (possibly a list of tokens)
@bug: possibly slow, because uses an unindexed argument