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Pack ape -- prolog/utils/drs_utils.pl
PublicShow source
- Kaarel Kaljurand
- 2009-04-08
 get_toplevel_object_referents(+ConditionList:list, -Toplevel:term) is det
Returns a term toplevel(ReferentList, SubjectList, ObjectList, NamedList) where
  • ReferentList is a list of top-level object-referents
  • SubjectList is a list of top-level object-referents that are used as subjects
  • ObjectList is a list of top-level object-referents that are used as objects
  • NamedList is a list of top-level object-referents that correspond to proper names (Type = named) @param ConditionList is a list of DRS conditions @param Toplevel is a term containing top-level DRS discourse referents