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Pack ape -- prolog/parser/prologfeatures.pl |
This module reimplements a part of the ProFIT transformation that is introduced in [1]. It transforms Prolog programms that contain feature structures into plain Prolog programs. The following constructs are supported (the numbers refer to the paper):
(1) Super > [Sub1, ..., Subn]. (3) Sort intro [Feature1:Restr1, ..., Featuren:Restrn]. (4) < Sort (5) Feature ! Value (6) Term & Term (9) TemplateName := TemplateValue ( ) @ Template ( ) Term or Term
[1] Gregor Erbach. ProFIT: Prolog with Features, Inheritance and Templates. In Proceedings of the seventh conference on European chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., 1995.