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Pack ape -- prolog/parser/ace_to_drs.pl
PublicShow source
- Kaarel Kaljurand
- Tobias Kuhn
- 2009-05-21
 acetext_to_drs(+Text, -Sentences, -SyntaxTrees, -Drs, -Messages)
 acetext_to_drs(+Text, +Guess, +Catch, -Sentences, -SyntaxTrees, -Drs, -Messages, -Time)
Provides an interface to the parser for parsing an ACE text that consists of one or more paragraphs. These predicates will always succeed even if the parser fails.


 acetext_to_drs('Every man waits.', Sentences, SyntaxTrees, Drs, Messages)
 acetext_to_drs('Every man waits.', on, off, Sentences, SyntaxTrees, Drs, Messages, Time)
Text- is an ACE text
Guess- is either 'on' or 'off' (default) and defines whether unknown word guessing should be used
Catch- is either 'on' or 'off' (default) and defines whether unexpected errors should be catched and put to the list of messages or not
Sentences- is the list of sentences (each a list of tokens) in the ACE text
SyntaxTrees- is the list of syntax trees (each a complex list) of the ACE text
Drs- is the DRS of the ACE text
Messages- is the list of error and warning messages that result from the processing
 aceparagraph_to_drs(+Text, -Sentences, -SyntaxTrees, -UnresolvedDrs, -Drs, -Messages)
 aceparagraph_to_drs(+Text, +Guess, +Catch, +StartID, -Sentences, -SyntaxTrees, -UnresolvedDrs, -Drs, -Messages, -Time)
Provides an interface to the parser for parsing an ACE text that consists of one or more paragraphs. These predicates will always succeed even if the parser fails.


 aceparagraph_to_drs('Every man waits.', Sentences, SyntaxTrees, UnresolvedDrs, Drs, Messages)
 aceparagraph_to_drs('Every man waits.', on, off, 1, Sentences, SyntaxTrees, UnresolvedDrs, Drs, Messages, Time)
Text- is an ACE text
Guess- is either 'on' or 'off' (default) and defines whether unknown word guessing should be used
Catch- is either 'on' or 'off' (default) and defines whether unexpected errors should be caught and put to the list of messages or not
StartID- is the sentence id for the first sentence (default is 1)
Sentences- is the list of sentences (each a list of tokens) in the ACE text
SyntaxTrees- is the list of syntax trees (each a complex list) of the ACE text
UnresolvedDrs- is the DRS of the ACE text with anaphoric references unresolved (pre-refres DRS)
Drs- is the DRS of the ACE text
Messages- is the list of error and warning messages that result from the processing

Undocumented predicates

The following predicates are exported, but not or incorrectly documented.

 acetext_to_drs(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6, Arg7, Arg8)
 aceparagraph_to_drs(Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5, Arg6, Arg7, Arg8, Arg9, Arg10)