Powerful append/2 is powerful. Here is how to split a list at position N
For example split the list of length 12 a position 2, leaving a frontlist of 2 elements, the element at position 1 and the backlist of 9 element.
[a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l] =2=> [a,b] c [d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l]
splinter(List, N, Elem, Front, Back) :- length(Front, N), append(Front, [Elem|Back], List).
:-begin_tests(splinter). % negative index test(oorange,[throws(error(_,_))]) :- splinter([a,b],-1,_,_,_). % out of bounds on list test(oob0,[fail]) :- splinter([],0,_,_,_). test(oob1,[fail]) :- splinter([],1,_,_,_). test(oob2,[fail]) :- splinter([a,b],2,_,_,_). longlist([a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h]). % generating splinters+element from list+index test(fwd) :- longlist(List),length(List,Len),Nmax is Len-1, foreach(between(0,Nmax,N),fwd(List,N)). % recomposing list+index from splinters+element test(bwd) :- longlist(List),length(List,Len),Nmax is Len-1, foreach(between(0,Nmax,N),tb(List,N)). % -- helpers -- tb(List,N) :- splinter(List,N,Elem,Front,Back), % splinter it bwd(Elem,Front,Back). % see whether splinter can recompose it fwd(List,N) :- splinter(List,N,Ew,Fw,Bw), format("~w N=~w ==> ~w ~w ~w\n",[List,N,Fw,Ew,Bw]), % test consist in checking the spec! append([Fw,[Ew],Bw],List),length(Fw,N). bwd(Elem,Front,Back) :- splinter(Lw,Nw,Elem,Front,Back), format("~w ~w ~w ==> ~w N=~w\n",[Front,Elem,Back,Lw,Nw]), % test consist in checking the spec! append([Front,[Elem],Back],Lw),length(Front,Nw). :-end_tests(splinter). rt :- run_tests(splinter).