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Pack ontodot -- prolog/ontodot.pl
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 load_ttl(+File:term) is det
Load a turtle file into a default graph.

This is an easy predicate for using the rdf_load/1 predicate.

File- The file path.
 draw_graph(+Node:term, -Str:string) is det
Generate a dot syntax with a graph with the given Node as a center concept.

Generate all associations related to the give Node (all subjects and objects related to it).

Node- A prefix:suffix term or an IRI.
Str- The resulting dot string.
 list_nodes(-Nodes) is det
Nodes is a list of nodes in its most abbreviated form.

Return all the nodes in the RDF graph in its abbreviated form. The current registered prefixes are used for making abbreviations.

Generate the dot string that represent the default RDF graph.

Generate a dot representation of the default RDF graph. To improve readability, property objects are not represented associated with the other subjects. See draw_edges_noprops/1 for more information.

This predicate can be used with load_ttl/1. For instance:

?- load_ttl('my_kb.ttl'), draw_all(Str).
Str- The resulting dot string.
 draw_prefix(+Prefix:term, -Str:string)
Generate the dot text with the relations of all the nodes with a certain prefix.
Prefix- A term.
Str- The resulting dot string.
Generate a dot text with the hierarchy is-a relation of all nodes.
Str- The resulting dot string.
 dot_graph(+Node:term, +File:term)
Create an image file with all the relationships of a given node.

The image type is deduce by the File extension. 'example.png' will create a PNG image.

Node- The prefix:suffix or IRI.
File- The path to the image file to be generated.
Create an image file with all the relationships of all the nodes.

The image type is deduce by the File extension. 'example.png' will create a PNG image.

File- The path to the image file to be generated.
 dot_prefix(+Prefix:term, +File:term)
Create an image file with all the nodes from a namespace/prefix and their relations.

The image type is deduce by the File extension. 'example.png' will create a PNG image.

Prefix- The prefix term.
File- The path to the image file to be generated.
Create an image file with all the nodes and their is-a relationships.

The image type is deduce by the File extension. 'example.png' will create a PNG image.

File- The path to the image file to be generated.