
The base64 library provides predicates for parsing and generating data in the Base64 and Base64URL formats as per the specification found at:

API documentation

Open the ../../docs/library_index.html#base64 link in a web browser.


To load all entities in this library, load the loader.lgt utility file:

| ?- logtalk_load(base64(loader)).


To test this library predicates, load the tester.lgt file:

| ?- logtalk_load(base64(tester)).


Encoding a list of bytes in Base64 format is accomplished by the base64::generate/2 predicate. For example:

| ?- atom_codes('Hello world!', Bytes),
     base64::generate(atom(Base64), Bytes).
Base64 = 'SGVsbG8gd29ybGQh'
Bytes = [72,101,108,108,111,32,119,111,114,108,100,33]

| ?- atom_codes('Hello world!', Bytes),
     base64::generate(codes(Base64), Bytes).
Base64 = [83,71,86,115,98,71,56,103,100,50,57,121,98,71,81,104]
Bytes = [72,101,108,108,111,32,119,111,114,108,100,33]

The Base64 result can also be represented using a list of chars, written to a file or to a stream. See the API documentation for details.

For safe encoding of URLs, use instead the Base64URL format. For example:

| ?- base64url::generate(atom(Base64URL), '').
Base64URL == 'aHR0cHM6Ly9sb2d0YWxrLm9yZw'

The Base64URL can also be represented using a list of chars or a list of codes. The input URL should be in the same format.


Decoding of Base64 data is accomplished using the base64::parse/2 predicate. For example:

| ?- base64::parse(atom('SGVsbG8gd29ybGQh'), Bytes),
     atom_codes(Atom, Bytes).
Atom = 'Hello world!'
Bytes = [72,101,108,108,111,32,119,111,114,108,100,33]

| ?- base64::parse(chars(['S','G','V',s,b,'G','8',g,d,'2','9',y,b,'G','Q',h]), Bytes),
     atom_codes(Atom, Bytes).
Atom = 'Hello world!'
Bytes = [72,101,108,108,111,32,119,111,114,108,100,33]

The base64::parse/2 predicate accepts other input source such as a file or a stream. See the API documentation for details.

For decoding of URLs in the Base64URL format, use the base64url::parse/2 predicate. For example:

| ?- base64url::parse(atom('aHR0cHM6Ly9sb2d0YWxrLm9yZw'), URL).
URL == ''

The base64url::parse/2 predicate also accepts a list of chars or a list of codes as input. See the API documentation for details.