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Pack logtalk -- logtalk-3.77.0/examples/puzzles/SCRIPT.txt

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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ________________________________________________________________________

% start by loading the example and the required library files:

| ?- logtalk_load(puzzles(loader)). ...

% Harry Potter's room of potions logical puzzle:

| ?- potions::potions(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7).

P1 = poison P2 = wine P3 = forward P4 = poison P5 = poison P6 = wine P7 = backwards


% Horse show logical puzzle:

| ?- horses::(horses(S), print(S)). 1 place: april riding doc, the chestnut gelding 2 place: sue riding danny, the bay gelding 3 place: doc riding gopher, the gray gelding 4 place: danny riding april, the white mare 5 place: gopher riding sue, the black mare

S = [h(doc,gelding,chestnut,april,1),h(danny,gelding,bay,sue,2),h(gopher,gelding,gray,doc,3),h(april,mare,white,danny,4),h(sue,mare,black,gopher,5)] ?


% Who Stole the Jam?

| ?- jam_thief::thief(Thief).

Thief = hare


| ?- jam_thief::thief(Thief, Why).

Thief = hare Why = [trusty(dormouse),liar(hare),trusty(hatter)] ?


% Houses logical puzzle:

| ?- houses::(houses(Solution), print(Solution)). h(norwegian,fox,kool,water,yellow) h(ukrainian,horse,chesterfield,tea,blue) h(english,snake,winston,milk,red) h(spanish,dog,lucky,juice,white) h(japonese,zebra,kent,coffee,green) Solution = [h(norwegian, fox, kool, water, yellow), h(ukrainian, horse, chesterfield, tea, blue), h(english, snake, winston, milk, red), h(spanish, dog, lucky, juice, white), h(japonese, zebra, kent, coffee, green)] ; h(norwegian,fox,kool,water,yellow) h(ukrainian,horse,chesterfield,tea,blue) h(english,snake,winston,milk,red) h(japonese,zebra,kent,coffee,green) h(spanish,dog,lucky,juice,white) Solution = [h(norwegian, fox, kool, water, yellow), h(ukrainian, horse, chesterfield, tea, blue), h(english, snake, winston, milk, red), h(japonese, zebra, kent, coffee, green), h(spanish, dog, lucky, juice, white)] ; no

| ?- houses::zebra_owner(Owner). Owner = japonese ; Owner = japonese ; no

| ?- houses::water_drinker(Drinker). Drinker = norwegian ; Drinker = norwegian ; no

% Passing a note logical puzzle

| ?- note::(students(S), print(S)). s(mary,english,red,1) s(paul,math,yellow,2) s(josephine,science,green,3) s(derrick,french,blue,4) s(alexis,reading,black,5)

S = [s(mary,english,red,1),s(paul,math,yellow,2),s(josephine,science,green,3),s(derrick,french,blue,4),s(alexis,reading,black,5)] ?


% Mort's Letter from Camp Swampy logical puzzle

| ?- camp_swampy::(beds(S), print(S)). tim thomas, from maine, sleeps on bed number 1 sam franklin, from north_carolina, sleeps on bed number 2 mac miller, from virginia, sleeps on bed number 3 fred james, from florida, sleeps on bed number 4 john smith, from arkansas, sleeps on bed number 5

S = [b(tim,thomas,maine,1),b(sam,franklin,north_carolina,2),b(mac,miller,virginia,3),b(fred,james,florida,4),b(john,smith,arkansas,5)] ?
