% generated: 10 November 1989 % option(s): % % (queens) queens_8 % % from Sterling and Shapiro, "The Art of Prolog," page 211. % % solve the 8 queens problem % This program solves the N queens problem: place N pieces on an N % by N rectangular board so that no two pieces are on the same line % - horizontal, vertical, or diagonal. (N queens so placed on an N % by N chessboard are unable to attack each other in a single move % under the rules of chess.) The strategy is incremental generate- % and-test. % % A solution is specified by a permutation of the list of numbers 1 to % N. The first element of the list is the row number for the queen in % the first column, the second element is the row number for the queen % in the second column, et cetera. This scheme implicitly incorporates % the observation that any solution of the problem has exactly one queen % in each column. % % The program distinguishes symmetric solutions. For example, % % ?- queens(4, Qs). % % produces % % Qs = [3,1,4,2] ; % % Qs = [2,4,1,3] top :- queens(8,Qs), fail. top. queens(N,Qs) :- range(1,N,Ns), queens(Ns,[],Qs). queens([],Qs,Qs). queens(UnplacedQs,SafeQs,Qs) :- select(UnplacedQs,UnplacedQs1,Q), not_attack(SafeQs,Q), queens(UnplacedQs1,[Q|SafeQs],Qs). not_attack(Xs,X) :- not_attack(Xs,X,1). not_attack([],_,_) :- !. not_attack([Y|Ys],X,N) :- X =\= Y+N, X =\= Y-N, N1 is N+1, not_attack(Ys,X,N1). select([X|Xs],Xs,X). select([Y|Ys],[Y|Zs],X) :- select(Ys,Zs,X). range(N,N,[N]) :- !. range(M,N,[M|Ns]) :- M < N, M1 is M+1, range(M1,N,Ns).