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Pack ffimatrix -- README.md


SWI-Prolog pack f or matrix operations. Now being rewritten to use the new FFI library for SWI-Prolog. Work in progress, do not use for now.

Installation on Ubuntu

Install the packages libffi-dev and libatlas-base-dev

sudo apt-get install libffi-dev libatlas-base-dev

Copy prolog/ffimatrix.ubuntu.pl to prolog/ffimatrix.pl and compile

cp Makefile.macAcc Makefile
cp prolog/ffimatrix.mac.pl prolog/ffimatrix.pl
source buildenv.sh

Installation on Mac

Using the framework Accelerate

Apple macOS 10.3+ SDK includes BLAS in framework Accelerate.

Copy Makefile.macAcc to Makefile and prolog/ffimatrix.mac.pl to prolog/ffimatrix.pl and compile

cp Makefile.macAcc Makefile
cp prolog/ffimatrix.mac.pl prolog/ffimatrix.pl
source buildenv.sh

Using OpenBlas

Install the openblas Homebrew formula:

brew install openblas

Copy `Makefile.macOB` to `Makefile` and `prolog/ffimatrix.mac.pl` to `prolog/ffimatrix.pl`
and compile

cp Makefile.mac Makefile cp prolog/ffimatrix.mac.pl prolog/ffimatrix.pl source buildenv.sh make ```